Erins The Silent Death Character in Theras | World Anvil

Erins The Silent Death

Erins is a rogue from Bafigorn, who went on and was the prominent member from those who destroyed the lands of the Sofel and later Hexadomonor after establishing the new order there. Erins is in secret a divine champion of Vhaeraun and sometimes offer his aid to Masech.   It is said that Erins in on the council seat of the Sofel, or more like the figure that maintains the order there with the order of the mages. Erins was in life a rogue which via the use of unaccumlated magic items, disguised himself as a mage, until he also learned to become a supreme mage. Erins was the brain behind the adventuring party that took the items of Pandora, an ancient city from the southern cotinent of Rakion. The power there was so great, that the adventuring party, along with the champion of Bane and they took those items and assembled them at the behalf of the evil entities of the world and destroyed Pandora, the city of Peace. Then, they proceeded to old Sofel and destroyed it, the main capital and the armies. These artifacts gave them unnatural lives and they challenged everything around them, building New Sofel and picking their favourite apprentices and mages to lead them again.   Then, Sofel went into the lands of Hexodominir with Erins as the leader, after he got rid of the maniacs that were once his adventuring party. Some of them were killed by him, others received the mercy of establishing their own sovereign states over the lands of Sofel (Until their deaths and then he took control of them again).   Erins is a master assassin, head of many assassins guilds and orders, destroying all in their paths and highly sought upon.   By the Year 983 AB, Erins is said to be retired, only dealing with outer beings. However, the change of power in the north, with the Kadian Invasion of Rakion has brought his attention again to Sofel as he finally saw a great rival at Kairoz the Andorian, while entertaining the thought of killing his followers.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Erins is by all account a small household cat, a small tabaxi, about the size of a Gnome. Sometimes he is a black tabaxi, sometimes orange, but he always carrises with him, his hat and identifying.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Erins was born a low tabaxi in the lands of the Leonin, always seeking food and kicked around. His life was a labor since he came to be and he served 10 years in prison for major theft of an artifact in the The White Lands of Bafigron. However, after many years of hard labor, he had the chance to become a master assassin.  
Coup in Sofel
In 833 AB, Erins among his compatriots, retrieved the Words of Destruction and had with the aid of Bane, obliberated every resistance they had met on their conquest to evil. However, not all went smoothly for adventurers, as many plots were taking place simultaneously. Erins was somehow regarded as the 'weakest' of the bunch, while concocting everything behind them, turning each other and claiming their assets after.   In 834 AB, Erin had vanquished every mage and resistance, leaving the ground decimated, and onlyu via large contributions of thousands of druid, did the land began to regrow again. This act allowed Erin to rebuild Sofel again, to his own vision. Amazingly enough, Erin showed real passion and talent for statemenship and rebuilt Sofel and in The Eastern Wars solidified the country's name as one of the greatest countries in the rakion and perhaps Theras.  
Employment for Vaherun
His most spectacular, is the ability to inflitrate the drows and become the best assassin they could have. He served the Drowish population above ground for the god Vhaerun many times and had gained their favor. Vaehrun, then asked Erins to become his champion in their conquest of Pandora, the city of peace.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Erins was the first one of the party to gain the ultimate items of destruction and crafting them on his own, called 'Words of Destruction' an item that could cause entire continents to drown in a whim.   Erins had used those items to destroy old Sofel and the Wych lands of Hexodominir, however, relinquishing them back to the gods after this unwarranted destruction for they forced themselves upon his party.   Only then, Erins became an Idol, surpassing his party in power and thus becoming the one leader of his party and establishing the order, the north, sorely needed.
The One who rules all;
The Hand behind the council;
The Serviture of the council;
The One who enslaves all;
The One who steals the rights;
The Master Assassin of Hexodominir;
The Peace Ender;
The Hand of Chaos;
The survivor of Pandora;
Divine Classification
Neutral Evil
Date of Birth
23rd of Kankaiak
Year of Birth
567 AB 484 Years old
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Prime Material Plane
Subservient Deities
Thievery, Corruption, Annhiliation
A cat with a hat
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
The nail (Rapier)
Holy Days


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