Vhaeraun Character in Theras | World Anvil

Vhaeraun (vay-RAWN)

Vhaeraun, known by various titles including the Masked Lord, the Masked God of Night, The Shadow, and occasionally referred to as the Shadow Lord, the Masked Mage, and the Lord of Shadow, was revered among the drow as the deity associated with drow males, thievery, warriors, Battle, territorial expansion, shadow magic, spellfilchers, and nefarious undertakings on the surface. His aspirations were aligned with advancing the objectives, interests, and dominance of the drow in surface realms.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Vhaeraun boasts the second-largest following among the drow, trailing only behind Lolth. Remarkably, he commands the largest drow following on the surface, where his activities often lead to confusion among non-drow observers, who frequently mistake him for Masech, the human god of thieves. The adherents of Vhaeraun's faith predominantly comprise drow and half-drow males who yearn for liberation from the oppressive rule of Lolth's matriarchy and actively oppose it. They are drawn to the vision of a society characterized by equality across genders, fostering qualities like empathy, collaboration, and personal development.   Before 1,021 AB, In the eyes of Lolth's clergy, priests devoted to Vhaeraun represent the ultimate adversaries, to be relentlessly pursued and eliminated through any means available. The ruthless pursuit of suspected drow individuals, often involving brutal interrogation tactics, serves as a favored strategy, with the ultimate goal being their sacrifice upon the altars of Lolth. Such actions are perceived as offering the highest honor to the goddess while providing unparalleled personal gratification to those who carry them out.   As of today, Vhaeraun's church is more open and they lead into the forray, taking missions directly from many priestesses of Lolth, further solidfying the power of the Dark Seldarine. Even though, they recognize the threat of the church of Lolth, they ultimately 'play nice' in order to faciliate the hard-won achievement of The Brokering of Peace in The Drow Pantheon.     Therefore, the followers of Vhaeraun found they must play the games of Lolth as the supreme leader.   The structure of the Church of Vhaeraun remains decentralized, as they are usually serving in many obscure places. Vhaeraun's pursuit includes reclaiming the surface world, an endeavor stemming from his expulsion. This ambition frequently places them in opposition to the clerics of Eilistraee. The only centralized aspect of this faith, is the warrior branch, following the order of mostly Lolth's priestesses.   Some priests of Vhaeraun advocate unity of the elven races in order to more easily dominate the surface world. Most, however, view this as heresy.  
Priestly Vestments
The clergy of Vhaeraun don attire consisting of half-masks, loose silk shirts, snug-fitting trousers, and leather boots, all dyed in a deep shade of jet black. They invariably carry at least one bladed weapon with blackened edges, often adorned with several such implements. The deity's emblem takes the form of a black half-mask, functional as a conventional mask when worn. Priests of Vhaeraun possess the ability to wield their holy symbol for spellcasting purposes within a radius of one mile, negating the necessity for its physical presence on their person, except during initial attunement, or for engaging in spellcasting activities or confronting undead entities.   During their adventures, Vhaeraun's priests are restricted to wearing leather armor exclusively, with a preference for attire of darker hues. They exhibit a preference for daggers, short swords, and long swords, although their weapon selection is tailored to suit the specific requirements of each situation. Proficient in the use of poisons, the clergy of the Masked Lord typically equip themselves with a range of poisons characterized by diverse onset times, application methods, and potencies prior to undertaking perilous endeavors.  
Collectively, the clergy of Vhaeraun are referred to as the Masked, with novices being identified as the Uncloaked, while other members are recognized as Nightshadows. Titles within the ranks of Vhaeraun's priests vary extensively across temple hierarchies, encompassing designations such as Ascendant Darkness, Black Moon, Dark Mantle, Deep Rogue, Enveloping Night, Raven's Caw, Shadow Hunter, Silent Sable, and Twilight's Herald, among others.   High-ranking priests of the Masked Lord boast distinctive individual titles. Specialized priests are denoted as Darkmasks, whereas those who have betrayed Lolth are branded as masked traitors. Comprising solely dark elves, the clergy of Vhaeraun is predominantly male, with females being a rarity due to the pervasive suspicion that they might serve as spies for Lolth, posing a threat to the entire order.  
In the depths of the Underdark, Vhaeraun is honored within profound caverns veiled in layers of darkness spells. These temples often take the form of natural amphitheaters, their lofty ceilings adorned with twinkling beljurils arranged in patterns reminiscent of constellations. Conversely, in the Night Above, the Masked Lord is revered within shallow woodland caves shrouded by the dense foliage of deep forest canopies, where scant light filters through to the forest floor. Such sanctuaries are typically situated near or within small communities of surface-dwelling drow who yearn for the resurgence of their kind in the Night Above, in accordance with Vhaeraun's beckoning.  
Key offensives, diplomatic endeavors, and crucial engagements of the clergy are reserved for the nocturnal hours. Whenever achievements align with the objectives of the Masked God of Night, priests of Vhaeraun invoke prayers in his name. Offerings, comprising the spoils of conquest—be they from adversaries of the drow or artifacts of female drow clerics—are ceremoniously melted upon obsidian altars. Regular tributes of magical artifacts and riches are presented as customary practice. Vhaeraun finds greater favor in consistent acts of devotion over sporadic, grand offerings, although the deity values both abundance and frequency.

Tenets of Faith

Our Power is in unity, for our goal is to go the lands above, where our ancestors thrived; Act in Subterfuge, except for those of brute force, who have to use them in the glory of the Drowseuessiri.


This annual celebration, the holiest day for Vhaeraun's followers, coincides with the surface world's Midwinter Night. It is a time for deep reflection and plotting in service to the Masked Lord. Devotees engage in immersive rituals of introspection. Each participant envelops themselves in a zone of magical darkness and levitates within it for a full day. This period of sensory deprivation allows them to contemplate Vhaeraun's teachings and strategize ways to advance his agenda in the coming year. Those who complete this rite are rewarded by the Masked Lord with enhanced spell-like abilities with extended durations.  
In the Night Above, nights coinciding with the new Sehanine hold sacred significance for Vhaeraun's adherents. During these nights, devotees engage in elaborate midnight hunts across the vast, shadow-filled caverns of the Underdark. Mounted on fearsome riding lizards native to the depths, groups of drow hunters pursue a majestic stag. The culmination of the hunt is a dark ceremony that twists the ancient elven tradition.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Manifesting as an avatar, Vhaeraun assumes the guise of a typical male Drow, possessing a striking countenance characterized by a slender, graceful physique. His appearance is marked by an inherent flexibility in size, with the ability to vary between heights of 16 feet (4.9 meters) and six feet (1.8 meters) at will. Enveloped by an aura of shadow, his form doesn't merely darken and lighten sporadically; instead, it seemingly dissolves into obscurity when enveloped by this darkness. By allowing this shadow to engulf him entirely, Vhaeraun can execute swift teleportation.   Distinguished by his belief in the equal worth of both genders among the Drow, Vhaeraun stands apart in his conviction. He is predominantly invoked by Drow males aspiring for liberation from the shackles of Lolth's dominion, fervently opposing her matriarchal rule.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vhaeraun, born of Araushnee and Corellon Larethien, holds a distinctive perspective among the drow, valuing both genders equally.   He is predominantly revered by drow males striving for liberation from the oppressive matriarchy of Lolth and warriors seeking glory in the name of the Drowseuessiri.

Personality Characteristics


In line with many Drow deities, Vhaeraun exhibits arrogance, often coupled with vanity, and holds a vindictive stance, advocating the supremacy of Drow over other races. He urges his followers to bridge gender divides to strengthen Drow dominance. While he himself schemes and employs deceit, he vehemently opposes such tactics when used against him or his people.   However, alongside these traits, he demonstrates pragmatism, recognizing the value of cooperation.
The Masked Lord;
The Darkblade;
The Umbral Commander;
The Masked God of Night;
The Masked Mage;
The Shadow;
The Lord of Shadow;
Shadow Lord;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power
Chaotic Neutral
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Erins The Silent Death
Drow males, evil activity on the surface, thievery, Psionics, Mental Prowess, Warriors (Both Female and Male), War
Chaos (Riot), Community (Cooperation), Elf, Travel (Exploration), Trickery, War
A pair of black glass lenses that form a mask
Assassins, male drow and half-drow, poisoners, rogues, shadowdancers, thieves
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Shadowflash (short sword)
Holy Days
Ilyvara'hael, Ilvaraen'na


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