Mausoleum of Chronepsis Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil

Mausoleum of Chronepsis

Above, the realm of the Draconic power Chronepsis appears as nothing more than a long-ruined, long-dead city in the seventh ring of the Outlands, within sight of the Realm of the Norns. Seemingly once a place of great power and populace, now little but the remnants of buildings stand here, worn down by nothing more than time; it's unknown if such a city ever did truly stand there, or if there have simply been nothing but ancient ruins since the birth of Chronepsis. Dotting the ground amongst the buildings here and there are tunnels below into the true realm, where the few proxies and petitioners of Chronepsis dwell. The air is thick with the scent of reptilian hide below, and the walls of the tunnels and caves are utterly lined with hourglasses, each representing the life of a single dragon somewhere out on the planes. At the center is the silent Chronepsis himself, never speaking word nor thought to any, even those that honor his name with their ways.   There is a rumor that within, Chronepsis watches the multitudes of hourglasses that can be found throughout. Each hourglass represents the life of a dragon and every dragon throughout the multiverse has an hourglass somewhere in the Mausoleum, slowly dropping its grains of sand, counting down the life of that dragon.   The Mauseloum is also considered to be the place where souls of his petitioners are found.
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