Chronepsis Character in Theras | World Anvil


Chronepsis is considered the god of death in the Narsilian Culture, While Memnor is more recognizble in Confederacy of Siril.   He is the vigilant guardian among draconic deities, oversees the grand Mausoleum where the destinies of all dragons and draconic beings reside. He observes their lives and passes judgment upon their conclusion, determining their ultimate destiny. Manifesting as a dragon of black scales, yet distinct from both chromatic and metallic dragons, he stands aloof from all distinctions. Throughout eternity, he remains silent and secluded, wholly committed to his solemn duty.   Additionaly, Chronepsis is considered to be the scribes of all history of dragons and cartographer as he observe all.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Among Dragons
Of the draconic deities, Chronepsis has the fewest followers, as it tends to be only the least passionate brought to his faith, a quality not found in great amounts amongst the dragons. Thus, further, he also tends to have a quite appreciable number of non-dragons in his faith. Many of his followers choose to take a vow of silence in honor of their patron, seeking to follow his example in devotion to non-interference.  
Among Non-Draconic Followers
For the Narsilischs and especially Arasilisch, Chronepsis has a special place, ever to be praised in funerals. His followers are mainly caretakers, gravediggers and Undead-Hunters. Though not as fanatic as The Raven Queen's Followers, they prohibit undeads, but do not condemn necromancy and the followers of Chronepsis, delve into necromancy to better understand it in order to utilize it.  
Followers of Chronepsis refrain from prayer, acknowledging the futility of seeking divine intervention. Instead, they engage in deep reflection on the cycle of life and death.   Each devotee of Chronepsis possesses a small hourglass, which they rotate daily to symbolize the passage of time. Many turn the hourglass before retiring for the night, taking a moment to ponder its emptiness upon awakening.   Worshippers of Chronepsis undertake quests to gather the remains of deceased dragonkin for burial in sacred sanctuaries or safeguard dying dragons from harm by others.  

Day-to-Day Activities

For both branches, Clerics and Observers devoted to Chronepsis often maintain a low profile, blending into crowds without drawing much attention. They meticulously observe and document significant events but seldom intervene; their reserved demeanor doesn't stem from indifference. While they actively participate in minor occurrences, they typically abstain from involvement in events with profound historical implications. In their daily roles, these priests primarily act as guardians of gravesites, battlefields, and memorials, ensuring the preservation of the memories of the departed. Additionally, many undertake responsibilities such as conducting funeral rites, maintaining historical archives, or providing administrative support to the community, including teaching literacy and being scribes.   In contrast to the clerics who maintain a passive role, Chronepsis relies on a select few crusaders, cavaliers, inquisitors, and similar champions to directly enforce his will. These individuals act as the vanguard, ensuring that significant events proceed without interference and thwarting any attempts to disrupt them. They prioritize defending chronomancers, who often come under attack, as well as those who seek to disrupt predestined events through divination or other means. Additionally, they oppose those who seek to evade the natural end of life permanently; while methods of prolonging life are tolerated, the pursuit of immortality or undeath is vehemently opposed. Dracoliches, in particular, incur Chronepsis' greatest wrath and are prime targets for his champions.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace the silence, for in it lies the essence of Chronepsis's will. To disrupt the natural flow of events is to defy the very fabric of existence. Fate unfolds as it will, neither swayed by mortal desires nor hindered by their interventions. Each being is destined for an inevitable end, neither glorified nor condemned, but simply acknowledged. Yet, this does not diminish the value of individual deeds. Non-interference is the highest form of reverence, a tribute to the autonomy and achievements of others. Only through detachment can one truly appreciate the significance of solitary endeavors and render impartial judgment upon one's own actions.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

One of the most ancient draconic deities, mentions of Chronepsis date from longer than the dragons themselves, with some tales calling him a brother of the great Io. As he rarely interacts with mortals, however, there is little in the way of a mythos around his existence.


Contacts & Relations

Chronepsis is variously described as the son or brother of Io. The two gods are represented together as a dragon with nine heads consuming its own nine tails. In some draconic myths, Chronepsis is seen as a re-enfolding that mirrors and perfectly balances Io's extension of being into the worlds. As Io becomes all things, Chronepsis draws all things back to himself.   Chronepsis holds a minor relationship with Labelas Enoreth, the elven deity of time and longevity, it is largely one-sided, simply a relationship of seemingly-mutual respect. In fact, he holds neither allegiance nor enmity to any entity, divine or not, in keeping with his objective nature, though there are still others that hold him in regard. Lendys, draconic god of justice, holds Chronepsis in great esteem for his actions.   The only action that can be attributed to dragon god - He was the one that mediated between Soryna and The Raven Queen (and some say Baravor) about the roles of death and each of their portoflios. He created the pact between the goddesses of life and death - however, he doesn't serve either of them.
The Silent;
The Watcher;
The Observer;
The Scribe;
The Draco-Scribe;
The History of the Bones;
The Winged-Cartographer;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Fate, Death, Judgement, Time
Death (Psycopomp, Smhain), Knowledge, Magic (Arcane, Divine, Rites), Repose, Ruins, Scalykind
An unblinking dragon eye
Historians, sages; those who would observe, Dragons, Scribers, Cartographers, Undead-Hunters, Necromancers, Timekeepers
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Scythe (Claw)
Holy Days


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