Menedynn Ethnicity in Theras | World Anvil


Menedynn is a name derived from the word: "Men", as they have called themselves. The people of Old Menedynn were a people of a fallen empire, beset by magic and overall controlled by those with the arcane skills.   The Influence of Menedynn is felt even now, after their immigration to the world thousands of years ago.   The Menedynn people lived in a strict hierarchy and are split between the nobility, who lived in flying cities miles above the ground and the commoner that settled anywhere on the ground and sometimes, in the mines below.   The Menedynn people were taught magic by the elves as they had recruited those humans in their cause againt the Dragonborn enemies, which were comrpomised from different tribes, states, vassal states and the great empires of those people.   The Menedynn people came as tribes in the era of bridges, primitive by all accounts and though they were similiar to the Nahrso, many folk tales that passed down from generation to generation, tell of a war that continued from the previous world to this world between those two human races and that the Nahrso were superior to them in every aspect, both physical and mental.   The tales are different in the their point of view, but one constant remains. The Nahrso and Menedynn once were brothers in origin, while the Nahrso aligned themselves with the forces of good in the battle for their world. It is told that their world was destroyed by unknown beings, or beings that were lost to history.   Following the fall of the Weave and its control by the god of Magic Ervenius, this society who was magic oriented, fell to decline and the floating cities that it had, all became rubbles. The Menedynn culture had lost much of its beauty - a beauty that only the scribes of the Elves can now recount. All its people were besieged in every turn by their enemies that sought to take control of their old Empir and the Menedynn forged alliances of ease and sometimes sold their own people into slavery to have a place in the continent of Rakion.   However, as magic sprung again after "Ervenius' Draught", the people of Menedynn began their conquest anew. The Menedynn had many so called emperors and massiahs that appeared as mushroom after the rain, that helped those tribes of the Menedynn people that formed to become city states. The most notable of those city states was Bafiga, a human warlord who sought to unify the Menedynn again under his banner and such Bafigron was born after many conquests and academic development that his family took.   Today, Menedynn ethinicity mean the people who think that the old Menedynn ways of old are important, while "Neomen" humans are more socially progressive and seek to have their place in the world change.       The Rivality on one side of the Menedynn and Neomen ethniciities and the Northern ethnicity, is important, since the Menedynn culture while it originated in Abaisgar, went north, away from the Nahrso as they feared them, causing the inevitable clash between the cultures and the decimiation of most of the Northern culture that derive
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