Old Ansko Empire Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Old Ansko Empire

The Old Ansko Empiire was the prominent power of Theras for thousands of years.   It met its end in The Seventh Azaraki Peace Wars.


The Old Ansko Empire believed in its cultural or ideological superiority and sought to spread its influence, values, or religion to the territories it colonized. The empire viewed its expansion as a mission to civilize or enlighten the "lesser" societies it encountered.

Public Agenda

The Old Ansko Empire, driven by a thirst for power, sought to expand its territorial control and assert dominance over other regions. This ambition often stemmed from a desire to access valuable resources such as fertile lands, minerals, strategic locations, or trade routes.


The Old Ansko Empire was primarily Arcane, however for many reasons, the elite class, the Chromatic dragonborn, had connection with their goddess Tiamat and had also the ability to channel divine magic, withoutr cleric, but via their sorcerers.   During the battle The Death of Nevel, the city Rakselion was completely destroyed leaving relics underground and the Dragonborn without strong divine powers, atleast, until the Kingdom of Anska and Grand Empire of Arkolion began worshipping the deities again.


Transition from Republic to Empire
It is written that the transition to an Empire was because of a corrupt republic, all because of the Yuan Ti empires in Drakasilth.   Click here to expand
The Yuan-Ti had a hidden presence within the Old Ansko Republic. Behind the scenes, they worked to infiltrate the political, economic, and social structures of the republic, exerting control and influence over key decision-makers. The Yuan-Ti empires had their own agenda and sought to exploit the republic for their own gain;   Through intricate schemes and manipulation, the Yuan-Ti empires gradually gained power and control over important institutions, corrupting the republic from within. They used their supernatural abilities, cunning, and knowledge of ancient magic to manipulate events and shape the direction of the republic.   It should be noted that concurrently, the Old Ansko Republic was plagued by economic instability and corruption. Greedy politicians, officials, and merchants engaged in embezzlement, bribery, and other illicit practices, draining the republic's resources and wealth. Public funds meant for infrastructure development, welfare, and public services were siphoned off for personal gain, leading to neglect and social inequality.   The economic collapse worsened as the Yuan-Ti empires manipulated trade routes, controlled valuable resources, and monopolized industries. They exploited the republic's economic vulnerabilities for their own benefit, further exacerbating the wealth disparity and fueling public discontent.   The combination of the Yuan-Ti empires' covert control and the economic collapse resulted in widespread disillusionment among the population. The people grew increasingly frustrated with the corrupt republic and its inability to address their needs and concerns. This created an environment ripe for change and a longing for a strong leader who could restore order and prosperity.   In response to the mounting crisis, an abandoned child, had named himself Ansko as to say she is the one that will unite all. She recognized the dire state of the republic and the influence of the Yuan-Ti empires. Ansko rallied support by promising to purge the corruption, dismantle the hidden Yuan-Ti control, and revitalize the economy.   The transition from the Old Ansko Republic to the Old Ansko Empire marked a turning point in the nation's history. The new empire sought to confront the Yuan-Ti empires, reclaim control over the land, and rebuild the shattered economy. This period of transformation brought about significant political, social, and economic changes, setting the stage for a new era of governance and power dynamics in the region.
Expeditions to the World
During the many years of the world, the Dragonborn empire had sent countless ships, always disappearing at sea, never accounted for. The working assumption was that the gods of the sea punished them, however fewer still know that the Empire used the ships for another purpose, which is not known to many.  
Additional Events
However, there are few notes to be taken of the Dragonborn history such as:
  • Their landings in Eldalor and their battles in the eastern side with the Narsilians, only to be leaving shortly after a month again in 5,455 BB.
  • Their landings in Drakasilth and their battles with the Yuan Ti, for which they were victorious after unleashing terrible plagues upon the inhabitants.
  • Their Wars with the Menedynn Empire, which ultimately showed the Mainland they are not match for the Dragonborn Empire
  • Their numerous landings in the mainland of Rakion, often raiding until they got what they sought.
  • Their gifts to the Sehan Elves with Aeloriandor and the ceasefire
Collapse of the Empire
The end of the empire had come in The Seventh Azaraki Peace Wars, however, not before leaving the world scarred.


The Old Ansko Empire's military strength and technological advancements played a crucial role in its expansion. Their army and naval force enabled the empire to conquer and subjugate other regions, imposing its rule and suppressing any resistance. Their might was unmatched for many millenias and the historians of Sophia-Hold for millenias


Though they are considered atheist, the elite had worshipped Tiamat in secret, enough to appease her.

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