Modron Species in Theras | World Anvil


Modrons are a race of entirely mechanical beings, existing in a strict social hierarchy with fifteen distinct castes. Each caste represents a specific rank within modron society, with increasing power and complexity as you move up the ladder.  

Basic Information


Modrons are inherently genderless. However, some rogue modrons who break free from societal norms choose to adopt gendered pronouns.

Growth Rate & Stages

Modrons are immune to the effects of aging. Some documented cases show modrons surviving for over 500 years. A destroyed modron disintegrates entirely, as does a captured one after a prolonged period. Despite this, remnants of destroyed modrons can sometimes be salvaged.   Most modron promotions take a full day to complete. Absent promotion, some believe any modron can be restored within 9 days by drawing from the energy pool at Regulus. For the pentadrone caste, there's an additional option: decommissioning. If the overall population of base modrons becomes excessive, pentadrones can be deactivated, returning their life force to the pool.

Dietary Needs and Habits

While modrons can survive solely on air, they are also capable of consuming food. However, they are not driven by taste or sustenance in the traditional sense. Instead, they extract energy from the food they consume, the specific chemical makeup being irrelevant. Interestingly, modrons consume both liquids and solids in perfect equal quantities.


Modrons are creatures driven by unwavering logic and a rigid social order. Each modron occupies a specific, predetermined role within their society. They follow the commands of their superiors without question, viewing themselves as part of a vast, unified machine. Individuality is a foreign concept to them, and they often refer to themselves as "we" to reflect their collective identity.   A modron's understanding of the world is restricted to its immediate social circle and cannot comprehend more than its station.  
Rogue Modrons
Only a select few modrons exhibit signs of independent thought or question their superiors' orders. These "rogue" modrons are swiftly eliminated to maintain order within modron society. Interestingly, rogue modrons retain control over their non-rogue underlings, who remain incapable of disobedience. Despite their newfound individuality, rogue modrons are still highly logical and predictable, making them difficult for outsiders to distinguish from their rule-abiding counterparts. Driven by curiosity, these outcasts seek to understand the structure of the multiverse from a personal perspective. They reject the concept of luck, viewing the world as a complex but ultimately deterministic system.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Members of a particular caste are virtually indistinguishable from one another. They appear almost identical, making it nearly impossible to tell them apart unless you take specific measures to mark or track individuals   The higher-ranked modrons rule over the base castes and are treated with almost god-like reverence by their underlings. Their bizarre appearances further emphasize their elevated status. Primus, sits at the pinnacle of modron society.   Some modrons deviate from the rigid structure of their society, becoming "rogue" modrons. These outcasts are offered a single chance at redemption. By navigating the complex modron bureaucracy, they can petition for exile. If successful, they are transformed into a specific six-foot-tall cubic form with vestigial wings. This exile severs their connection to the modron energy pool, a vital link for standard modrons. Lower-ranked modrons often lack the necessary awareness to attempt exile before facing destruction for their nonconformity. Rogue modrons who don't seek exile are ruthlessly hunted down and eliminated.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Modrons participate in The Blood War, driven by their unwavering commitment to order. They are willing to cooperate with both Devils and Archons to achieve this goal. Their dedicated army for the Blood War is a formidable force, led by twelve hextons who take turns commanding the army in 17-year cycles.
Geographic Distribution


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