Monitor Species in Theras | World Anvil


Monitors is an umbrella term encompassing Outsiders – beings from other planes – who are neutral in the cosmic war between good and evil. These guardians, including Axiomites, Inevitables, Aeons, Psychopomps, and Proteans, are assumed to be tasked with maintaining the intricate balance of cosmos.   While they cooperate to maintain the balance, different monitor groups are not allies. In fact, some, like inevitables and proteans, are fierce rivals, clashing over their differing views of order and change. Generally, monitors remain unconcerned with matters outside their specific duties.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The offspring of monitors and mortals are known as planar scions. They inherit the power of their monitor parent, but their dual heritage allows them to walk between the planes. Most outsiders respect Psychopomps' neutrality and avoid interfering with their work. However, Mezzofiends actively oppose them.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

Articles under Monitor


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