Morag'gul Ethnicity in Theras | World Anvil


Morag'gul is the name of the inhabitants of the new founded Morag Dominion.  


The Morag'gul was actually a pejorative for the lowly humanoids that were conqured by the The Bafigron Empire. In various years, it had different meanings, such as 'Big Slave', 'Brown Slave' and it also meant in the 11th century AB the term for 'Brutal Invader', as the Orcish had begun to grow in numbers, just as the shift of armanaments went from the west to the east.  


From the years 186 AB to 1,042 AB, the orcish population of Resurgensa was almost non-intimdating as the loyal soldiers of the Empire were keeping them on short leashes and used them as merceneries for many years in their campaigns and forever destroying any advantage they might have.   The Morag'gul share a deep hatred for the Crescent Elves and occasionally form up types of 'crusades' via countries that 'turn an eye'.


Culture and cultural heritage

The Morag'gul do in fact consider themselves an independent nation, however it does not constitute a recognition from any self-respecting nation that consider themselves on neutral terms with the Bafigornish; Rather, stands as an independent territory whose interactions with neighboring regions and the external world are significantly influenced by the presence of Clan Morag. Inhabitants of Morag's Dominion are known for their xenophobia, with outsiders seldom receiving a warm welcome.   As the Morag'gul are mostly Orcs, there is a significant population of half-orcs and they are accompanied by humans and individuals of various savage races.   The Morag'gul treat goblinoids as inferior to them in every aspect and often abuse them and treat them as different caste, where the word slavery could be more effectively describing the situation. However, Hobgoblins, have the same respect as any other half-orc who proves himself.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

There are two distinct cultures, who identify themselves as Morag'gul; the Insular orc tribes that originally settled the lands and the clans established by subsequent human immigrants who see themselves as the connection to the outer world. While The Morag'gul almost exclusively worship the orcish pantheon, other gods of destruction, such as Garyx or conquest such as Bane and kord are worshiped in the human population.   It's noteworthy that human Morag'gul individuals may undergo a 'trial' period, given that the orc tribes of Morag's Dominion uphold an isolated society. They sporadically welcome humans and half-orcs into their fold, provided these individuals can demonstrate their worth. However, these tribes are territorial and often engage in immediate hostility towards trespassers.
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