Morag Dominion Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Morag Dominion

Morag Dominion, The Orcish Dominion, known for their fierce warrior culture and indomitable spirit, had long been a formidable force within the region. As the Keatisian Civil War in The Majestic Kingdom of Keatis engulfed the land, the orcs saw an opportunity to secure their own place in the tumultuous landscape. They recognized the weaknesses and divisions among their human adversaries and seized the moment to establish their dominion.   Alliance with the Goblins
Morag has established a symbiotic relationship with the Goblin population both within their dominion and in the lands surrounding them. The orcs recognize the value that goblins bring to their society and have integrated them into various aspects of their dominion.   Firstly, goblins serve as a significant labor force for Morag's Dominion. Their smaller size and agility make them well-suited for tasks requiring dexterity and speed. They are often employed in mining operations, where their ability to navigate tight spaces and extract valuable resources proves invaluable. Additionally, goblins contribute to the dominion's infrastructure development, constructing fortifications, roads, and other essential structures.   In military affairs, goblins are known for their cunning and resourcefulness. They excel in stealth-based operations and act as scouts and spies for the orcish forces. Their natural affinity for traps and ambushes allows them to contribute effectively to the dominion's defense and warfare strategies. Goblins are also utilized as skirmishers, utilizing hit-and-run tactics to harass and disrupt enemy forces.   Within the dominion, goblins have their own communities and settlements. While orcs maintain overall authority, goblin leaders are granted a certain level of autonomy to govern their own population. This arrangement allows the goblins to maintain their unique cultural practices and social structures while still pledging allegiance to Morag's Dominion.


Led by their powerful chieftain, Morag, the orcish horde embarked on a daring campaign in 1,042 AB. Their relentless onslaught and cunning tactics allowed them to secure key mountain passes and strategic locations, effectively carving out their own territory amidst the treacherous peaks. The unforgiving terrain of the mountains acted as a natural barrier, providing the orcs with a defensive advantage against their enemies.   While the orcs initially faced resistance from both the factions involved in the civil war and The Bafigron Empire, their tenacity and military prowess proved formidable. They formed alliances with other groups who shared a common disdain for Bafigron, leveraging these partnerships to bolster their strength and expand their dominion.   The enemies of Bafigron, seeing an opportunity to undermine the empire's power, lent their support to the orcish horde. They supplied weapons, resources, and strategic guidance, further fueling the growth and influence of Morag's Dominion. This support allowed the orcs to withstand the counterattacks launched by Bafigron and its allies, fortifying their position in the heart of the empire.   Over time, Morag's Dominion solidified its rule over the mountainous region, establishing a centralized governance system led by chieftains and council leaders. The orcs implemented their own customs, laws, and traditions, ensuring the preservation of their unique cultural identity within the dominion.

Demography and Population

On the outer fringes of Morag's Dominion, mixed clans comprising humans and half-orcs display a more open attitude toward the outside world, largely due to their association with Clan Morag.

Foreign Relations

Regarding power dynamics, Morag's Dominion lacks the structure of a nation. Entities seeking dealings with the Dominion invariably engage with Clan Morag. Those hoping to conduct business in the region or simply survive their travels understand the importance of staying on the good side of the influential clan. Two prevailing religious traditions, the orcish pantheon and other gods of destruction, such as Garyx or conquest such as Bane and kord, which are worshiped in the human population, hold sway in Morag's Dominion.
Founding Date
1,042 AB
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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