Nogaak vath Clan Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Nogaak vath Clan

Nogaak vath Clan, also known as the Mountainwall Clan and is the eleventh clan of Khazad-Ram.   The Mountainwall clan are well-known throughout the kingdom of Khazad-Ram for their exceptional military academies. They are skilled in the art of dwarven defense and are often called upon to serve as the front line of defense for the kingdom in times of war.   Despite their reputation as formidable defenders, the Mountainwall clan has had many clashes, both physically and on the political fields with Khro Az Clan over their natural competion and prestige as the ultimate warriors of the realm.   However, the Mountainwall clan is not content to rely solely on their martial prowess. In the 4th century AB, they began to develop schools of the arcane, hoping to expand their abilities beyond physical defense. While they did not achieve great success in the arcane arts, their efforts are still greatly appreciated by the other clans, who value the ability to rely on their fellow dwarves rather than outside sources.   In addition to their military and arcane pursuits, the Mountainwall clan also involved themselves in alchemy. They recognize the value of being able to create their own potions and other magical items, rather than having to rely on outside sources aswell. Their expertise in alchemy also proved invaluable in the kingdom's efforts to defend against magical threats and to fertilize their lands and grow food and livestock.   Despite their rivalry with Khro Az Clan, the Mountainwall dwarves are respected by all the other clans for their unwavering dedication to the defense of the kingdom. They are often called upon to serve as leaders and advisors in times of crisis, and their academies of defense are widely regarded as the best in the kingdom.
Founding Date
612 BB
Ruling Organization
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