Path of Glory Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil

Path of Glory

The Path of Glory is an demi-plane of afterlife where prodigies and exemplars in their lives may end up. It is a road of varying length, depending on who's marching on it; two souls can march together, with one marching over a continent-long road for weeks and the other going for a little stroll.


The plane is called after its sole geographic feature, a road stretched across an infinite meadow. The moment a soul stops marching or strays off the path, it is bound to the area it stopped in; the longer they perceived to march the more serene and restful they'll feel, and vice versa. It is believed that when a soul is bound, they perceive the meadow differently: souls that never begin marching will percieve their afterlife as a stagnant bog; good natured souls that halt their march halfway will presumably live on in Celestia as other souls might; and those manage to finish their march are met with a golden ziggurat, perched atop a precipice.   Inside the ziggurat, they are bathed and dressed in fine garments. Then, they are presented by Azorkaratsel to Eyre, which in turn presents them to Rhaan; ultimately, a chosen few are elevated to become Solars under Eyre, while the vast majority will become Devas and serve under his Glorious Blaze.
Dimensional plane
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Ruling/Owning Rank


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