Azorkaratsel Character in Theras | World Anvil


Perseverence. Tenacity. Conviction. Determination. Dedication. Resolve. Intention. Persistence.
Azorkaratsel is is an Andorian quasidivinity of tenacity and perseverance serving as the myrmidon of Eyre. He's an extremely powerful solar commonly percieved as the leader of Eyre's Divine Host.   According to legend, Azorkaratsel was the first mortal to anger Eyre. A powerful warrior and a boastful victor, he claimed that none can defeat him while in one of Eyre's places of worship. His wrath invoked, Eyre tasked him with eight impossible tasks, seven of which he has already carried out to completion; the last is believed to be killing any and all Azaraks.   He is the greatest of the Yokdim Radiant, both in terms of power and stature; measuring over 4 meters tall, he has three pairs of rainbow-feathered wings, with two of the pairs having a wingspan more than double his height. His weapon is a massive club, with blades of light protruding from it.

Divine Domains

The paladin risking everything to keep his oath; The lone and deranged cultist of a long forgotten god; The exhausted student pulling another all-nighter; All who are dedicated enough for a cause of their own volition may find themselves praying to Azorkaratsel, and he may grant boons for such mortals.  
All obstacles are passable. All impediments are challenges. All setbacks are opportunities for another attempt. This may also resonate with the ill, starving, addicted and beaten, who all must persevere in the face of impossible odds.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

As Eyre's lieutenant and right hand, Azorkaratsel is tasked with electing souls deemed worthy to be presented in front of Rhaan so they might be elevated into celestial beings.   Fiercely loyal to Eyre, his goals are indistinguishable from those of his god. He was tasked by Eyre to completely eradicate the azaraks and their spawns, perpetuating the misconception that he is the leader of Eyre's Divine Host, as the Host is mostly known for this conflict.


Contacts & Relations

The Celestial Hebdomad and most of Celestia condemn Azorkaratsel will to become a deity as it doesn't befits the celestial to take such titles and to grant such power. That may be one of the reason that Azorkaratsel haven't risen in ranks in Celestial and became one of the Hebdomad and gained the power within it.
The Myrmidon;
The Eighth Hebdagios;
Eyre's Indomitable Will;
Divine Classification
Related Myths
Ruled Locations
Favored Weapon
"Breachmaker", (Greatclub)

Naming and Mentions

Mentions of Azorkaratsel paradoxically predate mentions of any of The Four. Though not referenced by this name, a mythos from Bayjan describes the aforementioned story precisly, describing the protagonist as "The Paver of Destiny". One of the earliest documented tales in Menedynn culture mentions a warlord named Asor Kara-Sel that rose to demigodhood for serving a deity named Cho'el, which isn't mentioned anywhere else.


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