Permaglass Organization in Theras | World Anvil


Permaglass, located north of The Bafigron Empire, is a protectorate and in fact, a merging powerful naval state known for its strategic position and maritime prowess.


The process of electing a lord in Permaglass appears democratic on the surface, with the people participating in the selection. However, behind the scenes, the Sovereign Imperator of Bafigron exercises control and influence over the process, ensuring that the selected lord aligns with the interests of the Bafigron Empire. This arrangement benefits both parties, as Permaglass gains the support and protection of the empire, while the Bafigron Empire secures favorable trade agreements and conditions from Permaglass.


Permaglass is not only known for its maritime strength and political alliances but also for its abundant natural wonders, making it a captivating destination for tourism. The city-state boasts a diverse range of attractions that draw visitors from far and wide.   One of the most prominent natural wonders in Permaglass is the Crystal Caverns, an expansive underground network of dazzling crystal formations. These ethereal caves, illuminated by the soft glow of magical crystals, create a mesmerizing spectacle for adventurers and explorers. Guided tours allow visitors to marvel at the intricate beauty of the crystalline structures and learn about the geological history of the region.   Another wonder, is the Sapphire Falls: The breathtaking Sapphire Falls, a majestic waterfall that cascades down a rugged cliffside, creating a picturesque landscape. The pristine blue waters of the falls, fed by mountain streams, captivate visitors with their sheer beauty and tranquility. Surrounding hiking trails and observation points provide opportunities to immerse oneself in the natural splendor of the area.   For those seeking adventure and thrill, the coastal cliffs of Permaglass offer opportunities for cliff diving and paragliding. The towering cliffs provide a stunning backdrop as adrenaline enthusiasts take the leap into the crystal-clear waters below or soar through the sky, enjoying panoramic views of the city-state's coastline.   The Coral Lagoon is another jewel in Permaglass's natural crown. This vibrant underwater ecosystem is teeming with colorful coral reefs and exotic marine life. Snorkeling and diving enthusiasts can explore the depths of the lagoon, encountering schools of tropical fish, graceful sea turtles, and even the occasional playful dolphin. Dedicated marine conservation efforts ensure the preservation and sustainability of this ecological gem.   To cater to the growing tourism industry, Permaglass offers a range of world-class resorts, luxury hotels, and cozy seaside cottages, providing visitors with comfortable accommodations and breathtaking coastal views. The protectorate's culinary scene is equally enticing, with a fusion of local flavors and international cuisines, serving up delectable dishes made from the freshest seafood caught by Permaglass's skilled fishermen.


With its formidable naval forces, Permaglass plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the region's waters and maintaining stability along the coast. The protectorate's military strength, combined with its strategic location and close ties to the Bafigron Empire, allows Permaglass to navigate the challenges posed by pirate raids and assert its dominance in maritime affairs.


Permaglass upholds the beliefs and practices associated with the Neomen Pantheon. However, the city-state faces significant challenges in the form of pirate raids that threaten its maritime trade routes and security. To combat this menace, Permaglass maintains a formidable standing army and has forged a close alliance with the Bafigron Empire.

Foreign Relations

The close cooperation between Permaglass and the Bafigron Empire not only bolsters the city-state's defenses against pirates but also strengthens their political and economic ties. Permaglass recognizes the invaluable assistance provided by the empire and acknowledges the benefits derived from this alliance.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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