Theras The Ansko Empire Sacks the Coastline of the Bafigorn Empire

The Ansko Empire Sacks the Coastline of the Bafigorn Empire

Military: War


The Old Ansko Empire attacks the coastline cities of Bafigron, decimating their fleets and asking tributes from the mighty empire for a ceasefire.

The Old Ansko Empire continues to raid fellow kingdoms and had decided that Kingdom of Arasil and The Bafigron Empire alliance against them, must end. In the Year 711, the fleet of the Old Ansko Empire is victoriouis, raiding the coastlines and large cities of Sova Daris, Donaquis, Permaglass, cities of the newly estabilished Duchy of Albiril and cities of The Bafigron Empire. The Kingdoms reached ceasefire for a yearly tribute.

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