Phraim Bridge
Phraim Bridge is the bridge constructed in cooperation between The Great State of High-Star and the Holy State of Aluda'ar.
The Bridge itself is activated by either Divine or Arcane Magic and for those who know the password. This bridge is usually activated only when ships are not passing the Deltas of the rivers between the The Frostveil Tundra and Köldum Löndum.
Purpose / Function
This bridge sometimes functions as huge barrier for ships and sometimes for passage of great troops, commerce or heavy machinery.
The Bridge was constructed first by The Great State of High-Star in a location where once a mundane bridge of stone was and then destroyed in a war between The Kingdom of Aluda'ar and High-Star, right at the end of Massacre of the Phraim.
The Original Bridge was destroyed after High-Star took control of the bridge and when they wanted to check if there any spies, they had asked the Aluda'ari recite a specific poem and if they spoke with a special accent, they deemed them spies and slaughtered them. People speculate that over the course of the entire summer, they killed over 42,000 Aluda'ari.
Founding Date
1012 AB - 1,013 AB
Contested By