Holy State of Aluda'ar Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Holy State of Aluda'ar

The Holy State of Aluda'ar is a kingdom that is mostly devoted to She'eros.


The Culture of Aluda'ar is unique, as they were only children after 910 AB, with nothing to protect them against the horror from the outside. Unfortunately, there were also some monsters in the region and not only outsiders that can pose a threat, and as such, the children quickly learned to take care of theirselves, obtaining professions and seeking the aids of the Elves who were kind enough to provide them with protection (Thus, consolidating their power and promising that Aluda'ar will forever be in their debt).


After She'eros victory and the sparing of the children. There was a total chaos in The Frostveil Tundra, for no one above the age of 14 survived. Therefore, She'eros chose a judge to lead them into the future, one that has the skills that are needed for their concerns.   There are very few of the old customs of The Kingdom of Aluda'ar as it was. No longer was slavery permitted, and the old hidden alliances with dark forces were nullified.


As befit the Aluda'arin's resentment of Elvish Culture, espacially the Sel-Quessiri, they had passed a law that any person that floats on Floating Disk, must abide the Red Flag of Pride.
Founding Date
910 AB
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Official Languages
Controlled Territories


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