The Kingdom of Aluda'ar Organization in Theras | World Anvil

The Kingdom of Aluda'ar

Aluda'ar is a land located in The Frostveil Tundra. This was a kingdom of men that originated from Neomen that were mostly outcasts from other places.   This kingdom had reached new heights of corruption and everything the nobles had touched, was spoiled and marred. It should be noted that in The Gods War, all adults were consumed by She'eros in order to fight Garyx, so he might give them salvations.


This kingdom was originally one that is won by combat. Once a king dies, the chieftains and leaders of the community gather around and having their own warriors or themselves fight for the right to be king.


It should be noted that once they kingdom dissoluted, the custom of 'Trial by Combat' was abolished aswell.

785 AB - 908 AB

Successor Organization
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Official Languages
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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