Psychopomp Species in Theras | World Anvil


Pshyopomps also known as Reapers are described as Monitors that oversee the process of transition of the souls of the deceased and ensure the smooth passage of souls to their final destination.   Being the natural servants of The Raven Queen and previously Baravor, which some attest they had a disdain for.  
Psychopomp Activities on other Planes
The Psychopomp's duties in other planes, primarily the Material planes, are as follow:
  • Collection: Gathering the souls of the newly deceased.
  • Persuasion:Encouraging stubborn or emotional souls to move on.
  • Liberation: Freeing souls trapped by evil magic.
  • Undead Elimination: Destroying undead creatures encountered during missions.
  • Indirect Intervention: Causing the demise of those seeking immortality by subtly aiding their enemies.
  • Disaster Prevention: Occasionally working to avert natural disasters that could disrupt the passage of the soul.
  • Mischief Management: Thwarting attempts to develop magic or science that could manipulate death and create boredom among the psychopomps.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Except for a rare few, psychopomps are formed from the souls of those who died a neutral death or followers of The Raven Queen, often retaining some of their past personality. They usually can earn promotions through dedication to their duty.


Like The Raven Queen, reapers view the undead as an abomination, a perversion of the natural order of death they hold sacred.   While their duties often take them to the Material Plane, psychopomps lack the ability to travel freely between planes. Instead, they maintain The Crossroads of the Dead, a network of passages connecting the City of Judgement to the living world.   Psychopomps view the dead as both a responsibility and a potential source of chaos. Their priority is swift, orderly judgment. Mortals, in their view, have two purposes: to live and then to die. Psychopomps have little interest in the living beyond those who disrupt the passage of the soul. Heroes and villains are all the same to them – mere souls awaiting judgement. This focus on order makes them natural enemies of the undead, who defy the natural cycle of death. While temporary alliances with undead may occur, psychopomps generally prefer to wait for the undead to decompose naturally. They hold deities in similar regard – powerful beings who eventually die and are judged like any mortal. Psychopomps have no patience for philosophical debates, not even with their leaders.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The most powerful psychopomps, those who have served with exceptional dedication, may ascend to the rank of psychopomp usher. These unique beings possess demigod-like power and a degree of independence, allowing them to tackle complex challenges beyond the scope of lesser psychopomps.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The vast majority of psychopomps reside in the City of Judgement, there, they maintain a complex bureaucracy, handling tasks like: Overseeing the flow of incoming and outgoing souls, Assisting councilors and administrators, Serving as judges to determine the souls' final destinations.   A smaller number of psychopomps work outside the City of Judgement. These vigilantes correct errors, patrol the passage of soul's journey, guide lost souls back on track, and investigate threats to the Raven Queen's work, from undead creatures to soul-stealing demons and hags.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

Most psychopomps wear masks, concealing their identities and emphasizing their role as impartial guides, not individuals from a past life. Their presence is subtle, often unnoticed by the living who instinctively avert their eyes from the approach of death (unless it's their own).

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Psychopomps unquestionably serve the Raven Queen, their mistress. They are, in essence, extensions of her will. However, the Raven Queen's pronouncements are often vague, leading to interpretations and occasional clashes between psychopomps. This freedom allows them some initiative, but they never truly stray from their core mission.   Despite their strict duties, psychopomps have considerable freedom in how they carry them out. They find the malleability of mortal souls endlessly fascinating, and many develop personal interests outside their work.
Geographic Distribution


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