Raelicaxi Ethnicity in Theras | World Anvil


The Raelicaxi are a subgroup of orcs, who became totally 'tamed', often seeing themselves as the larger population of the Bascaxi.   Every Orc, can claim to be Raelicaxi and most of them live to that name. They are mostly reknown as Bards and are often half-orcs on every land, having trouble to fully to rebuild their own distinct culture, they often mimic others as the nomadic people they are.   The Raelicaxi, are the only orcish society that do not see the Orcish Pantheon as their main gods, with Luthic, often the more orcish deity they often revere, especially in births or somekind of alliances they make upon each other.


Coming of Age Rites

The Raelicaxi are often sent on errands outside of their nomadic tribes, often recovering some artifacts or are lent on some aid to their neighbors, strengthening and trying to refute any Stigma, people have upon the orcs.
Parent ethnicities

This ethnicity has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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