Luthic Character in Theras | World Anvil

Luthic (LOOTH-ick)

Luthic is the Orcish goddess of fertility, medicine, females, and servitude. Luthic embodies the Orcish feminine ideal, subordinate to male orcs but still protecting the cohesion of Orcish society.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Luthic's followers form the backbone of most orcish tribes. Known as the Cavern Sisters, they encompass most of the tribe's females. These women are the heart of orcish society, handling essential tasks like raising children, preparing meals, and managing food production through agriculture and gathering.   Priestesses, wielding significant power and influence, oversee the Cavern Sisters and their duties. Often married to the tribe's most prominent figures – chiefs, Gruumsh priests, or powerful warriors – they navigate a complex social landscape. While technically subordinate to their husbands and the tribe's males, they are adept at achieving their goals through subtle manipulation and well-placed flattery. Orcish society deems child-rearing, food gathering, and tending to the hearth as "unmanly" pursuits, leaving these crucial tasks entirely in the capable hands of the Cavern Sisters.  

Day-to-Day Activities

Beyond domestic duties, the Cavern Sisters actively ensure a strong future for the tribe. They conduct regular fertility rites and utilize their knowledge of herbs and healing to maintain the health of both mothers and children. These same skills are used to bolster morale, especially after losses due to war or disease.  

Priestly Vestments

During ceremonies and holy rites, the Cavern Sisters don a distinctive garb. They wear robes and caps crafted from black and brown bear fur, layered over sturdy leather clothing. These garments are often adorned with the fangs and claws of bears, signifying not just their devotion to Luthic but also their connection to the untamed wilderness. Higher-ranking priestesses typically display a greater abundance of such decorations, reflecting their experience and standing within the faith.   An essential part of their attire is a pouch of dirt, symbolizing Luthic's nurturing connection to the earth. The priestesses believe this essence enhances the potency of their healing spells. Their holy symbol is a bear jawbone, chosen for its strength and savage spirit. This bone is rubbed with a mixture of red ochre and soot, colors associated with both the life-giving earth and the fires of Luthic's wrath.   When not engaged in rituals, the Cavern Sisters wear the same attire as other orc females within the tribe. However, when the drums of war thunder, they don light armor, typically leather, and arm themselves with weapons customary to their tribe. Their purpose is not to charge headfirst into battle, but to provide vital support and healing amidst the carnage.  


Stone Cubs
The Initiate to Luthic's path begin as "Stone Cubs," learning the basics of the faith and developing their skills.  
Cavern Wardens
Upon demonstrating dedication, they become "Cavern Wardens," full-fledged priests within the hierarchy. Exceptional followers may specialize further, becoming "Den Mothers/Fathers", experts in specific aspects of Luthic's blessings.  
Lesser priests hold titles like "Stone Midwife", "Bone Healer", or "Fertility Weaver", reflecting their areas of expertise after achieving certain expertise after become cavern Wardens  
Earthmother's Voice
The most respected Cavern Warden oversees all rites and commands respect from all others.  


As befits the wife of Gruumsh, Luthic often finds a place within his temples. In such cases, a dedicated shrine to the Cave Mother resides within the central chamber, positioned beside (or sometimes hidden behind) the altar to Gruumsh. For grand temples with subterranean levels, an even larger shrine to Luthic is often constructed in those depths. Unlike other orc deities, Luthic's followers place immense importance on shrines. As the goddess of caves and caverns, such natural formations are her sacred domain. Sites associated with cave bears hold particular reverence, considered especially auspicious by her priests.   For orcs dwelling above ground, small caves near their settlements are swiftly consecrated as shrines to the Cave Mother. These sacred spaces are adorned with crude runes etched on the walls, entrances, and perimeters. These etchings often recite prayers and supplications to Luthic.   Deep within the Underdark, orcish tribes dedicate large chambers within their complexes to Luthic. These cavernous temples can accommodate a significant number of priests for rituals.   Only in the absence of suitable caves will Luthic's priests worship above ground. Even in such cases, the holy site must have an earthen floor and a central hearth for offerings and rituals. Additionally, if an orcish village or complex houses the shrine, the priests will store dried herbs nearby for use in ceremonies.  


Clerics and adepts of Luthic pray for their spells each day whenever the moon is highest in the sky. Since holy days are tied to the new moon, the symbol of Orc fertility, and the most important holy day in the clergy of the Great Mother is held on the winter solstice. This celebration, known as the Coming of the Winter Cave, is a great feast time and fertility ritual. The female orcs of the tribe, led by Luthic's clergy, prepare a massive feast of all food that will not keep through winter, while readying the rest for storage. This is the traditional time for warriors, particularly those freshly raised to adulthood over the previous months, to claim mates from amongst the widows and unmated females. After short ceremonies certifying the relations, the great feast is held, during which the males regale each other with stories of their great deeds, and the deeds of the ancestors. After the feast, prayers to Luthic and Gruumsh are invoked, asking them to bless the tribe with many strong children the following year. This is typically when a great many orcish young are conceived.

Tenets of Faith

  • Life flourishes within the earth, our cradle and protector. Honor Luthic, the Cave Mother, whose wisdom lays the foundation of our might. It is from her embrace that our warriors draw their unyielding valor.
  • Know your role within the tribe, for we are a single shield against all who threaten us. Every orc contributes to our collective strength, a force that crushes all rivals beneath its might.
  • The cave is Luthic's nurturing embrace, the birthplace of our fiercest warriors like Bahgtru himself. It embodies the enduring spirit of the orcs, a haven from the storms of war and a symbol of our unwavering resilience.
  • Embrace hardship, for it tempers the steel of our will. Through trials and scars, we become the embodiment of Luthic's strength, unbreakable and ever-victorious.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

The imposing figure of Luthic stands at an impressive 8.5 feet tall. This female orc embodies raw power, her dark brown skin exposed and unmarred by armor. Her features are a stark contrast: lighter skin tones around her nose and ears offset by dull black hair and eyes that glow with a hidden intensity. Razor-sharp claws, each four feet long, complete her menacing visage. Whispers abound that Luthic walks the world not just in her orcish form, but also disguised as a colossal cave bear, a fearsome predator mirroring her own untamed savagery.

Personality Characteristics


Luthic, wife of Gruumsh and mother of Bahgtru, embodies the ideal orcish female. Fiercely devoted to her mate and the mother of a mighty warrior, she represents both the strength and fertility of the orc race. Though some orcs revere Gruumsh for male fertility, Luthic remains the undisputed goddess of orcish childbirth.   Despite her seemingly subservient role, Luthic is no pushover. She delivers harsh judgments and fights with savage ferocity when defending orcish lairs and children, recognizing them as the future of the tribes.   As the Cave Mother, Luthic embodies the protective embrace of the caverns that serve as orcs' homes. These caves are her womb, birthing warriors destined to wage war on other races.   Luthic bestow upon her followers rudimentary knowledge of medicine and herbalism. However, her focus isn't on alleviating suffering but on ensuring the swift return of wounded warriors to the battlefield. Healthy warriors protect the tribe; the sick and injured cannot.   Following great battles, Luthic sends forth avatars to mend the wounds of her orcish children. She also observes and safeguards them during fertility rituals, ensuring the continuation of the orc race. Deep within Nishrek, Luthic resides, a force of both creation and destruction. She can unleash plagues upon those who displease her, orc or otherwise.


Contacts & Relations

Luthic, wife of Gruumsh and mother of Bahgtru, wields a curious influence within the Orcish Pantheon. While technically subordinate to Gruumsh, her true power lies in the unwavering devotion of her son. Bahgtru, known for his loyalty, honors his mother's commands above all others, even those of the One-Eyed God. This creates a simmering tension, a subtle rebellion tolerated but not embraced by Gruumsh.   The other orc gods acknowledge Luthic's position solely due to her marriage to Gruumsh. This begrudging respect, though it rankles, is a reality she has come to accept.   Despite the internal politics, Luthic remains united with her pantheon in their hatred for the traditional enemies of the orcs. Goblinoid gods , dwarven gods, and elven gods – all are targets of her unwavering animosity.
The Cave Mother;
The Womb of the Mountains;
Warden of the Wounded;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power
Neutral Evil
Aligned Organization
Related Myths
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Caves, Orc females, home, wisdom, fertility, healing, servitude, Bears
Animal (Fur), Community, Earth (Caves, Dolmen), Evil (Devil, Fear), Healing, Nobility (Leadership), Orc
The Orc rune for home
Monks, Orc females, runecasters
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
A hand with long claws (Claw bracer)
Holy Days
The Feast of the Moon

Worshipper Relations

The Cave mother is extremly popular in the orcish communities, however she takes leading role in the tribes of the orcs of Epeoris.  


The Defenders of the Sacred Cave is the only military order associated with Luthic's church. They function primarily as protectors of the priestesses and the holy sites of the Cave Mother. They also function as general defenders of villages and encampments, as well as the women and children, when the tribe goes to war. While defending female clergy and children, they enter an enraged state. The order is entirely male, and consists mainly fighters and a few clerics.


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