Rebranding Organization in Theras | World Anvil


The Rebranding were an adventuring party from Keatis, featuring the Leader:   Jake Fortson the Fighter, Eltra The Druid, Thror son of Thor The Cleric of Pheistus, Meira the Halfing Thief, Kiras the Unyielding Paladin.


Their disbandment had come when Eltra, had achieved the power to become a dragon... not the power to polymorph intro dragon, but really becoming one, thus influencing the leader and most friend, Jacob Fortson into taking the leadership of the weak king Stephen Keatison.   However, the Keatisi knight Kiras had joined with Thror and tried to kill Jake and Eltra a fortnight after the assassination.

"I have Darkvision"...

1,020 AB - 1,040 AB

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