Kiras Character in Theras | World Anvil


Sir Kiras

Kiras is the leader of the rebels of Keatis, only looking to restore the right monarchy of Keatis against Jake, his old party member. Kiras was accompanied by Thror son of thor and had battled The Dragon Eltra and Jake in combat, besting them both in combat. However they escaped and the Civil war of Keatis began.     Kiras is usually accompanied by his Faithful Steed, Grisha, the Pegasus.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Barethel (True Death), @Divine and the Master's Ashes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kiras was born as an half-orc and was abandoned in the doorsteps of an orphanage. His adoptive mother, was a common showmaker and his adoptive father was a soldier in the Keatisian army and served during the Waleapia's War of Independence.   His family sent him to the local militia where he showed great promises as a knight for the king of Keatis when he came upon a cleric of Heimdall when he was 11 years old.   Kiras was always bullied and uncomfortable as an half-orc and had to prove his worth twice to the other paladins in training and as such, he was always excelling.   When he was 22 years old, he received a vision from an unknown deity, as he was a paladin of philosophy and granted visions by the gods of good for his loyalty and ambition to serve the crown. The visions entail that he is supposed to kill a demon-lord from entering the prime and he eagerly asked to join the party Rebranding and he was given the chance and he travelled with them inorder to fulfill his destiny. Kiras' life came to an end after he sacrificed his life to defeat the Devil at The Banishment of Anarazel battle.   Eltra, the Druidess, without any regards to Kiras' wishes, reincarnated him via a powerful druidic magic and turned him into a dragonborn - A cruel trick played by her part, but the gods favored Kiras as he despised his origins as an half-orc only to be reborn again.   Kiras was knighted in Keatis after this incident and accompanied the Rebranding on many more adventures.
Date of Birth
23 of Kankajak
Year of Birth
1006 AB 45 Years old
2.1 M
Aligned Organization


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