Theras Keatisian Coup

Keatisian Coup

Political event


The assassination of Stephen Keatison, King of Keatis and the usurption of the throne by Jacob Fortson, who solidified his claim after marrying Renee Keatison.

Following the defeat in the Great Trap , and after decades of dimishing of the powers of the Monarchy of Keatis, the Knight Jake Fortson saw an opportunity to rebel against the weakened king of Keatis. Seizing the moment, Fortson orchestrated the murder of the king, who was already perceived as weak and incapable of protecting his kingdom. This act of rebellion not only secured Fortson's position but also played a significant role in reshaping the political landscape of the region.   This period was full of many events, including the legendary battle of Kiras and Thror against Eltra and Jacob Fortson, which was ended in retreat of Jake and Eltra, but in the beginning of the Keatisian Insurgency.

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