Rillifane Rallathil Character in Theras | World Anvil

Rillifane Rallathil (rill-ih-fane rall-uh-thihl)

Rillifane Rallathil was the protector of woodlands, guardian of harmony of nature and Wild Elves.   With Rillifane's passing, the mantle of the Leaflord has fallen upon Ehlenestra. Now, she embodies the steadfast spirit of the forest, ensuring the natural world continues to thrive under her watchful gaze.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The Church of the Leaflord operates with a philosophy of self-reliance and minimal intervention. Their focus lies on aiding fellow elves, sylvan creatures, and the natural world itself. The Church's hierarchy is decentralized, organized by region and divided into specialized branches.   Druids form the backbone of Rillifane's clergy. They act as stewards of the forest, fiercely protecting its health and the creatures within. They are unwavering opponents of deforestation and tirelessly fight against those who would exploit the remaining woodlands.   Rillifane's followers hold a particular animosity towards those who hunt elves or harm trees needlessly. They view the followers of Lord of the Hunt with deep hatred. Menas's ethos of predation and dominion over nature stands in stark contrast to the Leaflord's principles.  
Day-to-Day Activities
Many clerics serve as environmental emissaries. They venture beyond Wood Elf communities to educate other races, including other elven subraces, on the principles of living in harmony with nature. A crucial part of the Church's duty is to identify and eradicate sentient plants whose nature has been twisted by external forces. These corrupted beings represent a perversion of natural harmony and are deemed a threat that must be neutralized.     In times of war, regional leaders unite the branches of the faith, forming a unified force alongside Wood Elf warriors. These wardens become fierce defenders of the forest against malicious invaders and those who hunt for mere sport.  
Clerics and druids of Rillifane pray for their spells at dawn, when the first rays of the life-giving sun spring over the horizon.

Tenets of Faith

The First Branch: Harmony with the Web of Life
The Great Oak, embodiment of Rillifane's power, draws strength from a vibrant tapestry of life. We, the Leaflord's followers, uphold the interconnectedness of all living things. Each creature, from the smallest insect to the mightiest beast, serves a vital role in the grand design of nature. We strive to live in harmony with this web of life, allowing all beings to fulfill their purpose.  
The Second Branch: Stewards of the Woodlands
As Rillifane's countless branches reach towards the sky, so too do we, his faithful, act as his mortal extensions within the natural world. We serve as stewards of the great forests, guardians against those who would exploit their bounty. Our duty is to protect these sacred places from those who see only immediate gain, leaving destruction in their wake.  
The Third Branch: Resilience in the Face of Change
The Great Oak endures, weathering storms and the relentless march of time. We, the Leaflord's followers, learn from this steadfast resilience. We stand resolute against threats that bring "quick death" to the forest, like unchecked logging or wildfires. We also oppose the "slow death" of neglect and pollution. Like the mighty oak, we stand strong, ensuring the continued health and vitality of the woodlands for generations to come.
— Dogma of Rillifane


Celebrated at the equinox of spring, this joyous festival marks the start of spring and the renewal of life. Wood elves and other sylvan creatures gather in sacred oak groves for exuberant "fey dances" filled with music, laughter, and vibrant costumes. The celebrations are preceded by a period of fasting, culminating in a grand feast featuring venison from a ritually hunted stag. The feast signifies the breaking of the fast and reminds everyone of the bounty provided by Rillifane and the cycle of life.    
Celebrated at the equinox of autumn, this festival marks the arrival of autumn and the transformation of the forest into a vibrant tapestry of colors. Wood elves and other elves seeking spiritual renewal or major life changes gather for ceremonies and meditations under the changing leaves. The focus is on embracing change as a natural part of life, just as the trees shed their leaves only to grow anew in the spring.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rillifane is a very old deity and is said by some to be older than even Labelas Enoreth, for the great tree would continue its life endlessly without the need for an eventual death. He is on good terms with all The Seldarine, as well as most Sylvan and faerie deities. His foes include The Master of the Wild Hunt, Talos, and the evil Drow gods.   During The Gods War, Rillifane died in a battle against The Wild Hunt that destroyed an entire islands of Wild Elves.

Personality Characteristics


The Leaflord serve as both protector and preserver. He is the guardian of the woodlands, ensuring a harmonious balance within the natural world. His devout clerics often likene him to a majestic oak, its roots entwined with the very foundation of the world. Rillifane particularly favored the wild elves, who tamed the wilderenss, with a lesser connection to the Wood Elves.


Contacts & Relations

Amongst the exuberant gods of the Seldarine, Rillifane stands apart. Quiet, introspective, and eternally unchanging, he embodied the enduring spirit of nature. Unlike his more whimsical brethren, Rillifane rarely acted impulsively, often appearing serious and self-contained.
The Leaflord;
The Wild One;
The Great Oak;
The Endless Branches;
The Many-Branched;
The Many-Limbed;
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Woodlands, nature, wild elves, druids
Animal, Elf, Community (Cooperation), Good (Agathion), Plant, Protection, Vermin
Oak tree
Druids, rangers, wild elves
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
“The Oakstaff” (quarterstaff)
Holy Days
Ylvan'tara and Aelmnar


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