Talos Character in Theras | World Anvil

Talos (taahl-ose)

Talos, the Storm Lord, embodies untamed fury. A being of raw power, he revels in chaos and destruction, leaving a trail of devastation in his wake. Vengeful and short-tempered, he brooks no weakness in his followers, demanding absolute obedience and unwavering strength. Any perceived slight ignites his rage, making him a tyrant prone to explosive displays of temper.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Despite his immense power, Talos' following was relatively small. His destructive fury inspires terror and loathing in most. Feared fanatics, his disciples embrace devastation, gleefully unleashing storms upon unsuspecting settlements in the name of their tempestuous god. While universally despised, Talos' raw power compels a grudging respect. Many, though hating his influence, find themselves placating the Storm Lord to avert his wrath. This paradoxical reverence ensures his place among the most potent deities of the Rakion pantheon.

Tenets of Faith

  • The world spins in a ceaseless tempest, a chaotic tapestry woven by chance. Embrace the fleeting moments, for in the blink of an eye, Talos' will can claim you and all you hold dear.
  • The Storm Lord's power is a raging inferno – a force to be feared and respected. Proclaim his dominion! Let all tremble before the howling winds, the crashing waves, the earth-shaking tremors – all tools of Talos' unyielding fury!
  • Cower not in the face of destruction! Walk with unwavering faith through the heart of a tempest. Talos shields his devoted in the maelstrom's eye! Flaunt this resilience, let all witness your unwavering devotion in the face of chaos!
  • The devastation wrought by Talos' wrath is a necessary lesson. Witness the destruction he unleashes upon his enemies, and learn respect for the power his servants wield.
  • Only through fervent devotion and unwavering worship can Talos' fury be appeased. Spread this truth far and wide! The Storm Lord alone holds dominion over the raging seas, the howling winds, and the destructive floods.
  • When Talos wills it, become an instrument of his wrath! Hurl lightning and unleash tempests upon those who defy the Storm Lord's dominion.
  • Ignore Talos at your peril! Spread the word: bend the knee, offer prayers, appease the Storm Lord! Show all the power, even of the lowliest Talos devotee, to weather any tempest.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Talos' imposing form reflects his tempestuous nature. Broad-shouldered and clad in half-plate armor, he embodies raw power. A dark beard frames his face, where one eye burns with a starlit fury, the other socket a menacing black void.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Talos was a dominant god in many pantheons, however all this ended abruptly when Garyx killed him in 983 AB.
The Harbinger of Storms;
The Avatar of Chaos;
The Unchained Fury;
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Conflagration, Destruction, Earthquakes, Rebellion, Storms, vortices
Chaos (Entropy, Protean, Riot), Destruction, Evil (Corruption, Fear), Fire (Arson, Ashe, Litha), Weather (Monsoon, Storms)
An explosive lightning strike
Barbarians, druids, fighters, half-orcs, those who fear the destructive power of nature
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
A lightning bolt (longspear, shortspear, or halfspear)
Holy Days


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