Labelas Enoreth Character in Theras | World Anvil

Labelas Enoreth (lah-bay-lahs ehn-or-eth)

Labelas Enoreth, the Lord of the Continuum, is the elven deity who oversees the grand tapestry of time and psionics. He ensures its orderly flow and guards against those who would unravel history's threads. When the Fair Folk, the elves, first emerged, Labelas bestowed upon them the gift of extended lifespans, untouched by the ravages of time. Their youthful visages would forever reflect their inner vibrancy.   He works in concert with Sehanine Moonbow, the elven goddess of fate and moonlight, to guide the elves' extraordinary lifespans and their eventual journey beyond the mortal realm.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

While Labelas Enoreth wields immense power over elven culture, shaping their deep connection to time and history, he isn't a deity commonly worshipped by everyday elves. However, his presence is acknowledged daily, especially as elves age. Unlike other races, elves retain their youthful appearance for much of their lives. When an elf's hair turns white and skin begins to wrinkle prematurely, it's seen as a sign – a potential displeasure of the Lord of the Continuum. These changes are a stark reminder of Labelas's domain and the consequences of disrupting the natural flow of time.   In addition, many of Labelas' clergy are Kyth and they themselves sponsor The New Kyth Order. They also act as the Architects of elven structures.   Unlike many deities who call upon the young and fervent, Labelas's clergy is comprised of the elven race's most venerated elders. As elves contemplate their extended lifespans, their thoughts naturally turn to Labelas, the embodiment of time itself. These wise beings, often referred to as the "Watchers of Time," take on the crucial responsibility of safeguarding elven history and lore. They meticulously record events, ensuring the past is not forgotten. Their teachings weave tales of bygone eras, reminding younger generations of their heritage and the importance of upholding traditions.   Labelas's clergy don't dedicate their prayers to specific holy days. They believe time flows ever onward, a constant current that requires no special observance. Instead, their prayers serve as a form of acknowledgment, marking the passage of time and honoring its relentless march. The very act of recording and teaching history becomes their form of devotion, ensuring that the lessons of the past continue to resonate throughout the ages.  
Priestly Vestments
The priests of Labelas Enoreth don light gray robes, as ethereal and wispy as the passage of time itself. These ceremonial garments hold a hidden beauty. When a small light shines through them, the fabric reveals a hidden spectrum of deep reds, purples, and oranges – mirroring the vibrant hues of a sunset. This subtle brilliance evokes the vastness and impermanence of time.   When venturing out, Labelas's servants prioritize practicality over ostentation. Heavy armor and intricate weaponry are eschewed in favor of agility and stealth. Their usual attire consists of a more durable version of the light gray robes, offering a balance between comfort and protection. A simple staff or dagger serves as their primary weapon, though some may carry a dagger for close-quarters defense. When available, they employ elven cloaks that grant an air of invisibility, elven boots for silent movement, and any other item that allows them to blend into the environment. These choices reflect their role as observers and protectors of history, where discretion often proves more valuable than brute force.  
  • Alath'sera: These are the newest members, novices still learning the fundamentals of time's flow and Labelas's teachings.
  • Telir'anna: Having grasped the basics, Telir'anna assist senior clergy in recording historical events and preserving elven lore.
  • Ilmarin'sulon: With experience, Telir'anna progress to Ilmarin'sulon, entrusted with safeguarding the vast libraries and archives that hold the memories of the elven race.
  • Anar'viel: Ilmarin'sulon who demonstrate exceptional talent and dedication earn the title Anar'viel. They not only curate the records but also interpret past events, weaving them into a cohesive narrative for future generations.
  • Lómë'látalë:Lómë'látalë are skilled storytellers who travel elven communities, sharing the wisdom and lessons gleaned from the past.
  • Elvellon'tyalië: These revered elders possess a deep understanding of time's flow and can sometimes glimpse potential futures. They advise the clergy and elven leadership on matters of great importance.
  • Ilmarin'ond: The highest-ranking priests are collectively known as Ilmarin'ond. Each holds a unique title reflecting their area of expertise, such as "Keeper of Lost Eras" or "Guardian of Unwritten Chronicles".
Temples dedicated to Labelas Enoreth, the Lord of the Continuum, stand as testaments to his dominion over time. These sanctuaries are as varied as the landscapes they inhabit. Some are nestled within the boughs of ancient forest giants, their architecture intricately woven into the living trees. Others are carved from the weathered stone of ancient mountains, their very foundations defying the ravages of time.   The heart of each temple is a central chapel dominated by a massive golden sundial, meticulously inlaid into the floor. Windows are strategically placed, or limbs carefully trimmed back, to ensure the setting sun's rays bathe this imposing timepiece in a vibrant tapestry of colors. These daily rituals pay homage to the cyclical nature of time and Labelas's role as its guardian.   No temple is complete without a repository of knowledge. Each house of worship boasts a library, some housing vast collections of elven lore. These libraries are considered to be amongst the greatest repositories of elven history in the entirety of the Theras, preserving the stories and wisdom of generations past for future elves to learn from.  
Labelas's priests meet in groves at sunset to pray, meditate, and mark the passing of another day by sharing prayers and knowledge.   For elves, witnessing the arrival of new life is a momentous occasion. Yet, an even greater honor is bestowed upon a child when a priest of Labelas, the Lord of the Continuum, graces the birth with their presence. This signifies a life marked by exceptional longevity and potential.   These blessings occur at the first sunset following the child's birth, a time symbolic of the beginning of a new cycle. The priest, guided by a divine vision from Labelas himself, approaches the newborn. A gentle blessing spell is cast, bathing the infant in warm light, as prayers ascend to the heavens, commending the child to the watchful eye of the Time Weaver.

Tenets of Faith

  • The Unending River
    Time flows ever onward, a relentless river that carries all things in its current. No mortal hand can stay its flow, nor can any magic turn back its tide.
  • The Lifegiver's Boon
    Corellon Larethien, the Elven God of Creation, gifted his children with a lifespan that mirrors the vastness of time itself. Labelas, the Lord of the Continuum, ensures this blessing, allowing the Fair Folk to witness the grand tapestry of history unfold.
  • Echoes of the Past
    The lessons of the past are precious stones scattered along the riverbed of time. It is the sacred duty of the elven race to gather these stones, to record the deeds of our ancestors, and to learn from their triumphs and failures.
  • Preserve Elven Art
    Preserve elven arts and architecture, secure and bless households, inspire others with your words.
  • The Inevitable Dawn
    Just as the sun dips below the horizon each night, giving way to the darkness, so too does every life eventually fade. Yet, despair not, for even as darkness precedes dawn, a new day inevitably follows. The lessons we learn and the wisdom we share will illuminate the path for generations to come.
— The Continuum

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Labelas Enoreth's physical manifestation embodies the duality of his domain. He appears as an androgynous elf, his ageless form defying the passage of time. Silver hair, shimmering like moonlight on snow, frames his face. One piercing gray eye, reflecting the mists of time, observes the world. The other is concealed by a simple eyepatch, its purpose a mystery. His attire is an enigma, a swirling tapestry of blues, grays, greens, and whites, mirroring the ever-changing currents of time.   Other Manifestations
Though Labelas often takes this elven form, he can manifest in other ways as well. On rare occasions, he appears as a swirling mist, its touch imbued with immense power. This mist can either age or revitalize, depending on Labelas's will. Those it envelops feel the weight of years or the surge of renewed vigor, a stark reminder of the Lord of the Continuum's dominion over time.   Labelas rarely expresses his desires overtly. Instead, he communicates through subtle nudges and enigmatic pronouncements. Those who manage to decipher his cryptic messages and earn his favor may find themselves gifted with rare gems or precious stones – tokens imbued with the essence of time itself.

Personality Characteristics


Labelas embodies wisdom. A patient teacher and a font of knowledge, he dispenses his insights to both young and old. His pronouncements are often subtle, but their weight is undeniable. Those who earn his favor might be rewarded with rare gems or precious stones, testaments to his appreciation.   However, beneath this facade of wisdom lies a troubling undercurrent. Labelas's pride borders on arrogance, and he harbors a deep-seated prejudice towards non-elven races. He views the deities of other pantheons as lesser beings, even dismissing the powerful Ao, the overgod, as a mere enforcer and judge.


Contacts & Relations

The Lord of the Continuum, Labelas Enoreth, enjoys a peaceful coexistence with most of The Seldarine. However, Erevan Ilesere, delights in testing Labelas's patience, creating a constant source of tension within the elven pantheon.   Across the ages, Labelas has built a strong bond with Ioun and later on, Ervenius. He also finds kinship with other deities who value harmony and preservation, such as Alpaida, Cyrrollalee, Eilistraee, Adis, and Ioun.   However, as the unwavering guardian of time's flow, Labelas stands in stark opposition to deities who represent chaos and decay. His greatest adversaries include Enough, the Gnoll Demon lord who thrives on destruction and revels in disrupting the flow of time; Oaris, Kiaransalee, Falazure, Yurtrus, who seeks to defy the natural order of life and death; and the Drow Pantheon.
The Lifegiver;
Lord of the Continuum;
The One-Eyed God:
The Philosopher;
The Sage at Sunset;
Weaver of Time;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power
Lawful Neutral
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Time, longevity, history, the moment of choice, psionics, Architecture
Chaos (Protean), Dream, Elf, Knowledge (Aeon, Education, Memory, Thought), Rune (Langauge)
Setting sun
Bards, divine disciples, elves, lore masters, scholars, teachers, Psionics, Architects
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
“The Timestave” (quarterstaff)
Holy Days


The Order of the Fading Sun
This fellowship of scholars, lorekeepers, and artists, both elf and half-elf, dedicates itself to uncovering and preserving the legacy of lost elven civilizations. They delve into ancient ruins, decipher forgotten languages, and chronicle the triumphs and follies of their ancestors. Their pursuit is fueled by the belief that the lessons of the past hold the key to a brighter future.  
The Knights of the Unbroken Hourglass
  This elite order safeguards the integrity of the timestream. Their ranks are comprised of skilled Kyths, powerful wizards, disciplined monks and devout priests, all bound by their unwavering commitment to Labelas, the Lord of the Continuum. They stand vigilant against chronomancers and other entities who seek to disrupt the flow of time, be it through deliberate manipulation or reckless magic. Guarding legendary time gates and tracking down potent time-altering spells are but a few of the crucial tasks undertaken by these protectors of history.


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