Shrieking Death Condition in Theras | World Anvil

Shrieking Death

The Shrieking Death, known as Corpus in Corgomura, is an extremely viral and dangerous disease, degrading its victims bones and skin until they turn into dust. The last large outbreak decimated the Gold Coast and greatly contributed to the persecution of magic users by the Andorian Church.
While Smaller outbreaks have been reported, they usually happen in remote locations and the local population is decimated before being able to spread the disease to other communities. One concerning incident happened in Saymaclari in 1050, when an explorer returned from a sealed tomb near a large city in the Kingdom of Agy. The outbreak was so intense an entire district of the city was needed to be closed off, leaving all of its inhabitants to die.

Transmission & Vectors

Even being 6 feet away from an ill person, or the remains of a deceased one, for more then a few minutes is enough to infect someone with Corpus. Methods of infection are respiratory, digestive, and on mere contact.


While at first a victims may appear to be fine, 1 or 2 days after contraction their skin begins to blacken around their hands. This is accompanied with intense pain, as the bone marrow starts to degrade and waste away, leaving the bones hollow and brittle. The pain is so intense it may leave the victims unable to do anything but scream, which is the disease's namesake.


No known treatment exist for Corpus. Some cases report a Miracle, a Wish, or an effort of a similar scale lifting the affliction.


A day or two following the initial symptoms, the bones start to waste away and crumble in such a fast rate that victims report hearing their own bones and skin break. The infected person loses all function capabilities and the blackness of their skin may cover the entire body at this stage.   Up to 6 days after the initial infection the patient bones crumble into dust inside their own body. If the victim didn't die from shock, infection or internal bleeding by this stage, they quickly succumb as their internal organs are left with no support while their skin slowly disintegrates, leaving their internal organs exposed. The powedered remains are extremely infectious.   The disease is considered to have a 100% fatality rate.

Cultural Reception

The disease was once considered to be assosciated with arcane magic, leading to the First Salemizia and the general disdain of the Andorian Church towards arcane spellcasters. This perception is still somewhat prevelant in the rural areas of Lake Kadia, despite being proven to be unrelated.
Extremely Rare


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