Lake Kadia Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil

Lake Kadia

Lake Kadia is the the largest body of fresh water in Epeoris; the term is also commonly extended to include the area between the Amadal Ridge, the Kaviri Highlands, and the Korsian Islands. It is presumably named after the Kadian people who inhabit its shores, though some speculate that the Kadians derive their name from the lake, rather than the other way around. It was one of the most contested territories on the continent, rivaled only by the now-flooded Midland Plains in number of recorded armed conflicts   The lake is within the territories of the Kadian Dominion, with the 3 kingdoms of Ader, Navara, Saltis sharing its shoreline between them.


Large parts of the lake's flora and fauna are endemic, mostly due to the area being relatively isolated and sheltered by the Amadal Mountains and the Kaviri Highlands. The destruction of the midland plains also contributed to the area's isolation, supposedly causing the extinction of several species as many migration paths were blocked.

Fauna & Flora

The fauna and flora around Lake Kadia are mostly endemic, with many variants resembling those found in the Begutulga Valley, but having a either a few noticable changes or many inconspicuous ones. One famous example is the Disa Cardinalis, an extremely rare variant of the plant that is identical in appearance to its northern and more common variant, but contains an extremely powerful and potent antitoxin in its petals.

Natural Resources

While the lake's area is prime for agriculture and supports many farmlands and plantations, it is not rich in minerals. Most of the metals are mined either in the Aurum Hills or the Red Hills.

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