Skkingae Species in Theras | World Anvil


Skkings are members of a biological family of even-toed omnivorous ungulates called Skkingae, native to the continent of Epeoris. There are three extant species of skking, all living in the northern part of the continent; it is speculated that another species lived in the Midland Plains, though it became extinct during The Second Sun, which destroyed any possible evidence.

Basic Information


Skkings have eleven cervical vertebrae and three caudal vertebrae, resulting in powerful necks and short tails. They have rounded ears and long legs and have varying gaits, with the Estuan and Northern skkings having a gait similar to a camel's and the Southern Skking having a gait similar to a goat's. However, their running gait is similar across all species, with both left legs moving and then both right, which ensures that the fore and hind limb will not collide while in fast motion.   Skkings have uniquely powerful neck muscles, which allows the northern and southern skkings to develop signature humps on their underside, and the Estuan skking to deliver a powerful bite utilized for predation.


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