Slave Ring of Unyielding Loyalty Item in Theras | World Anvil

Slave Ring of Unyielding Loyalty

The Slave Ring, is a crafted ring is adorned with intricate engravings depicting chains wrapping around the wearer's finger. Once worn, the Slave Ring of Unyielding Loyalty exerts a subtle magical influence on the wearer, compelling them to swear absolute fealty and loyalty to the person who placed the ring on their finger.  


Compelling Oath
When the ring is worn, the wearer feels an overwhelming urge to pledge their loyalty to the person who placed the ring on them. This loyalty is unwavering and genuine, shaping their thoughts and actions. The oath itself should be sworn before the ring is worn; as long as the oath is taken, regardless if willingly or coercively, the item still functions  
Unbreakable Bond
The loyalty instilled by the ring is magically enforced, making it incredibly difficult for the wearer to betray or harm the one they are loyal to. Any attempts to resist the loyalty compel them to feel immense guilt and emotional distress.  
Oathbound Protection
As long as the wearer remains loyal, they gain a +2 bonus to their AC and saving throws. This protection vanishes if the wearer knowingly and willingly betrays the one they are loyal to.  
Enchantment Resistance
The ring grants advantage on saving throws against spells and effects that attempt to break enchantments or manipulate the wearer's mind.  


Unwavering Loyalty
The wearer cannot willingly take any action that would harm, betray, or directly oppose the one they are loyal to. Attempting to remove the ring triggers extreme pain and resistance, making it nearly impossible without magical aid or the wearer's genuine desire to break the bond. If the wearer betrayed the owner while under magical suppression or in an anti-magic zone. The Ring will slowly begin to kill the wearer slowly in a matter of days, suffering plagues, pains, and every conceiveable pain the Council of Kagiams had imagined.
This is used on important slaves in Sofel and often used in other places of the world, abit, more rarely.
Base Price
1,000 Gold Pieces


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