Sophis Character in Theras | World Anvil


Sophis dedicates himself to the progress and safeguarding of magical practices. Revered by spellcasters of every kind, with wizards showing particular devotion. However, his peers often find him eccentric, failing to grasp his subtle humor or unwavering commitment to amassing magical wisdom.   Sophis is also primarily concerned with History and collecting knowledge.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Sophisan ypically consist of individuals who have a deep appreciation for magic in its purest form. Rather than seeking power for dominance, they admire the intricacies and finesse of spellcraft.   The clergy of Sophis encompasses wizards, monks, and clerics, establishing their temples primarily in bustling cities where they align themselves with prominent magical guilds. Acting as mediators between spellcasters, they serve as a hub for magical discourse and administration.   At the pinnacle of Sophis' followers are the Favored, an esteemed group of arcane experts and history scholars dedicated to advancing magical theory and practice. Revered as masters of magical science, they endeavor to enhance the manipulation of the Weave through their innovative arcane processes.   Regarded as traditionalists, the church of Sophis is often criticized for its archaic customs, scholarly debates, and detachment from worldly issues. Their moral neutrality further contributes to their unfavorable perception among the general populace.  
Sophis followers mark new Magister appointments and Favored inductions with a solemn revel. At twilight, they silently seek the High One's guidance. Temples host meals with readings on ethical magic and future possibilities. Initiates endure the Transforming ritual, shaping their humility over ten days. Wild Nights allow communion with untamed magic, with safety measures in place.   Annual Mage Fairs settle disputes and showcase spellweaving prowess, awarding scrolls and magical items.   The clergy orchestrates annual Mage Fairs, aimed at resolving disputes, regulating excessively destructive or deceitful magic, and hosting spellweaving competitions. Prizes include scrolls of previous winning spells and practical magical items.

Tenets of Faith

  • Approach magic with reason, understanding its intricacies through study and reflection. Exercise caution in spellcasting to prevent irreversible errors. Use magic judiciously, recognizing moments when its use may be inappropriate. Share magical knowledge widely across Faerûn to foster its growth. Emphasize the responsibility that accompanies magical prowess. Document new spells and share them with the temple library. Promote openness and creativity in magical practices.
  • Delve into the annals of magical history, exploring the triumphs and failures of past sorcerers and wizards. Learn from historical events to inform present-day magical practices and decision-making.
  • Recognize the value of ancient relics and magical artifacts as tangible links to the past. Treat these artifacts with reverence and ensure their responsible stewardship for future generations.
  • Uphold ethical standards in the pursuit and application of magic, drawing lessons from historical accounts of misuse and abuse. Strive to use magic for benevolent purposes and avoid repeating past mistakes.
  • Cherish the diverse tapestry of history, recognizing the interconnectedness of past events and their enduring impact on the present. Explore the annals of time with curiosity and reverence.
  • Document and archive historical accounts, narratives, and oral traditions to ensure the transmission of knowledge across generations. Embrace the role of historian and storyteller in preserving the collective memory of humanity.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Sophis most often appears as a white-bearded man wearing elaborate, antique clothing and wielding the powerful, gem-topped Old Staff.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As a mortal, Sophis coveted power, researching the arcane lore of a dozen fallen empires in an effort to further his magical study. His dedication eventually led to his being installed as the first Magister, a position created specifically by Erveniusto recognize his most promising mortal pupil.   Expanded History
Sophis was born to a lowly merchant in Rich Shore of Abaisgar. His life were series of bad events, that lead from him becoming a highwayman to an apprentice of charlatans in many countries with the traveling bazaar that had adopted him. It is said that in 4 AB, he traveled to Arasil, where a mage had caught him stealing various artifacts. The Mage, had him installed as a squire to the Order of knights. But Sophis' true heart was set to become a high mage of Arasil.   For many years he had studied magic, both in the Old Ansko Empire, Arasil. After his experiments with wild magic, Ioun caught interest in him, as well did Ervenius. When he was 31 year old, in 22 AB, he had travelled with his knights escorts to The Sultans of Buqmat and Bayjan to rescue the daughter of the High King of Arasil. It is said that his understanding in magic, was not in powerful casting, but in manipulating the weave like no other Mortal. Then Sophis had captured again the Citadel of lore, and by the order of the High King of Arasil, was granted that Citadel. Sophis had dedicated this citadel to Ioun and named Sophia-Hold.
  For his Act, Sophis, asked the High King to leave Arasil and ventured to other countries, where he studied magic under Ansko and Amon-Thal, The Sylvan Kingdom of Eryndor and finally the Free Cities of Nidoran. He was so invested in the studies of magic, that he had challenged Vecna, the lord of secrets for supremecy of magic, as Vecna had taken interest in many arcane secrets and tempted the most powerful sorcers in the world in Epeoris and many other places. It is said that the battle with Vecna was not in mighty spells, but control of many influental people in Epeoris. A battle that Sophis had Won.   Only then, Vecna which was a Greater Power was weakened by him, Sophis and Ioun who sought to expel Vecna to the edge of the world had finally succeeded and victory for knowledge was the mark of Sophis on History.
Sage Supreme;
Ancient Arcanist;
Sorrcery Soverreign;
Arcane Archon;
Magus Mentor;
Keeper of Arcane Threads;
Seer of Knowledge;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power
Lawful Neutral
Founded Settlements
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Wizards, mages, Sorcerers, any spellcasters, Magi, History
Knowledge, Law (Kyton, Lgeislation), Magic, Rune
A maze, that resembles the brain
Philosophers, sages, sorcerers, wizards
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
“The Old Staff” (quarterstaff)
Holy Days


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