SunStone Settlement in Theras | World Anvil


"only dawrves could have possesed the tenacity to build such a thriving metropolin in the middle of the red desert of abaisgar"
  • arasilian tour guide 1034AB edition
  • Sunstone is the largest city in the southern desert of abaisgar and is the ancestral throne of house Sunforge. It hosts numerous miners blacksmiths merchants and adventurers. Sunstone is home to some of the best blacksmiths in Theras. Many come from across the continent to learn and hone their craft in this desert metropolin.


    in SunStone about 50 percent of the population is dwarven. the rest are mostly human while some elves haflings and other species also reside within its inner walls and other settlements.


    The governing body of SunStone is House Sunforge, who's SunStone is also its ancestral sit. House Sunforge rewards organizations buisnesses and people who are hardworking, honest and innovative. its main economic interests are blacksmithing, mןning and trade. they also promote private security forces comprised of mercenearies and adventurers through their guilds and their arenas.


    Housing and Architecture

    SunStone is the biggest settlement in the southern desert. It is a home for about 50,000 people inside the city gates and about 5,000 people in its periphery mainly called - the 10 Claws. Sunstone is comprised of 3 concentric each one nested in the next. Throughout Most of the first and second ring called - "The Stone Cradle" and ""the Cinder Ring" respectively, structures are colored dark brown. the buildings are made from a mix of stone and sand, and stand tall across the streets and districts. Dawrven craftsmanship can be seen throughout the architecture with its rigid and symmetrical charactar, adorned with runic like carvings and symbols. there are many squares inside the city which house the different markets, and guild of the city. the biggest square in the city, the molten square is located in the dead center of the most inward ring - the molten heart. it is where most people of house SunForge reside at and also where the noble and affluent like to spend their times. as you get closer into the city the dark brown mix of clay and stone is replaced by obsidian like black structures and buildings.

    The three gates

    SunStone boasts three towering gates, each a testament to Dwarven craftsmanship in the main entrance to each ring. The Forge Gate, sculpted in the likeness of a roaring furnace, welcomes those who enter The Stone Cradle. The Trade Gate, adorned with intricately engraved caravans, greets merchants from faraway lands who wish to enter the Cinder Ring. And the Sun Gate, crowned with a blazing solar disc, serves as the entrance for esteemed guests and emissaries to the Molten Heart. each gate is a symbol of the main trade of the city and house SunForge.


    The three rings

    1. The Stone Cradle: the most outward ring of the city. Houses many of the miners, as well as the Black Anvil blacksmiths and personall of the Crucible also has a lot of residential areas within it, along with various markets and general stores. Taverns in the ring offers basic lodging and meals.
    2. The Cinder Ring: the middle ring in SunStone . Contains most of the artisans, blacksmiths, merchants and adventeres in the city. it is where most of the trade happens as well as where many gladiator fights and tournaments occur. various specialized markets as well as niche magic shops are located. Many of the more seasoned blacksmiths reside here as well.
    3. The Molten Heart: The Literal heart of the city. where most of the guild masters, expert artisans, and blacksmith virtuosos and their apprentices reside. As well as the castle of House SunForge and its members. Smoke always rises from its main square as a testament to the work being done by some of the best blacksmiths in the continent. the ForgeMaster's Council - the governing body of the city also resides there, led by the head of the House of SunForge Durak ForgeHammer. they decide on tax, security measures, and hold many other municipal duties.

    The Claws of SunStone

    SunStone 's reach extends far beyond its imposing walls, its fiery heart drawing life to ten mining settlements scattered across the scorching sands. These outposts, ranging from bustling hubs to dusty hamlets, form the lifeblood of the city, feeding its insatiable hunger for ore.  

    The three nails

    Carved into the face of a jagged mountain, Grimhold is a brutal testament to dwarven resilience. Here, miners hack at veins of obsidian and iron under the watchful eyes of the Stoneguard, an overseering force in charge of providing order in the mining settlements. Grimhold miners are known for their stoicism and unwavering dedication, their lives a constant dance with the harsh elements and the ever-present threat of cave-ins. many clashes between the miners and the guild have been known to occur here.  
    Nestled within a crater spewing volcanic ash, Emberfall is a fiery inferno of activity. Here, miners harvest precious gems such as zircon, diamond and topaz from the cooled lava flows, their labor illuminated by the eerie glow of the ever-active volcano. The Guild maintains a strict monopoly on the gem trade, leaving Emberfall's miners wealthy but dependent, their lives forever bound to the fiery whims of the volcano.  
    Sandhaven Outpost
    This desert oasis serves as a vital trade hub, where miners from across the region exchange their hard-earned ore for supplies and provisions. The Outpost is a melting pot of cultures, with dwarven miners get together with human merchants and nomadic traders under the shade of palm trees. The Guild maintains a light hold here, allowing independent trade to flourish, but still reaping a hefty profit through taxes and fees.  

        The Seven talons:  

    Whispering Canyons
    A network of treacherous tunnels rumored to hold ancient dwarven secrets, mined by a solitary clan known for their uncanny knowledge of the earth. they are a rummored to have an agreement with the guild.
    Salt Flats
    A desolate expanse where miners extract salt vital for preserving food, their lives a constant battle against the searing sun and blinding glare.  
    Copper Sands
    A sprawling network of open-pit mines where miners work closely with adventurers who guard them from kobold attacks. the miners are extracting the metal used for weapons and tools while the adventurers run what seems like a never ending battle with the kobold population. mostly men of debt mine here.
    Crystal Caves
    A series of hidden caverns glittering with rare crystals, guarded jealously by a secretive group of dwarven miners who trade their treasures for rare herbs and spices. independent miners enjoy this settlement especially.
    Whisperwind Camp
    A nomadic encampment of dwarven miners who follow the shifting sand dunes, their lives dictated by the capricious whispers of the desert wind. their lives are guided by the art of mining and hardwork.
    Emerald whispers
    Crystal caves built like mazes in this part of the desert, hold great treasures deep inside them.
    the Hole
    Within a meteor-scarred crater, daring alchemists and wizards collect potent radiant ore.

    Guilds and Factions

    Miner's Guild
    The bedrock of the city, wielding immense influence through contracts and resource control. Leaders command respect through experience and a deep understanding of the earth's veins. Within, factions jostle for dominance: the traditional "Stone Hammers" advocating for safety and resource conservation, and the ambitious "Crimson Pickaxes" pushing for expansion and innovation.
    they are also the main governing forces in the 10 claws of sunstone.  
    The Black Anvil
    Masters of crafting sturdy tools and equipment for miners and adventurers. Gruff but respected, they maintain a strict sense of quality and a close relationship with the Miner's Guild.
    The Crucible Arena
    The Crucible arena offers various froms of violent entertainment with three different gladiatorial fighting pits. they host tournaments duels and monster battles with daring fighters and adventueres seeking to make a fortune competing. they also offer trainning facilities where Veteran fighters, lead rigorous training and oversee brutal competitions to hone the skills of aspiring younglings. Rumors swirl of connections between the crucible arena to a shadowy network of illegal mercenary companies operating beyond the city walls.  
    Blacksmiths' Guild
    Divided into five specialized wings: Weaponmakers, Armorsmiths, Shieldsmiths, Forgeborn (magical weapon crafters), and Alchemists. Each wing fiercely guards its secrets and competes for prestige within the larger Guild. Master Ignis EmberHand named after the founder of House SunForge, the stoic and formidable Guildmaster, tries to maintains a balance between tradition and innovation, while also managing the resource allocation to each faction in the guild.
    Merchant's Guild
    Led by the charismatic Elara Sunforge, this diverse group navigates trade deals, regulates markets, and fosters prosperity. Factions within the Guild cater to different specialties: the "Ironclad Caravans" focusing on bulk materials, and the "Hidden Gems" dealing in rare artifacts and treasures.
    Adventurer's Guild
    Led by Karryn Stonehammer, the guild is a common ground for seasoned explorers and daring newcomers to gather and make a name for themselves as adventurers. Experienced guides offer advice and contracts, and other services to the guild members . They are in charge of managing contracts between adventueres or mercenaries and their clients.
    Forgemaster's Council
    An elite advisory group composed of the most skilled artisans and weaponmasters, directly advising House Sunforge on matters of craftsmanship and resource allocation. Tensions simmer between traditionalists and proponents of pushing the boundaries of forging techniques.
    The Arcane Forge
    Rumored to exist within the Molten Labyrinth, this enigmatic workshop is shrouded in secrecy. Whispers speak of alchemists weaving magic into metal, creating weapons imbued with potent enchantments. Access is tightly controlled, guarded by the Forgemaster's Council and House Sunforge.
    The Sunforge Guard
    Elite warriors sworn to protect House Sunforge and maintain order within the Molten Heart. Disciplined and unwavering, their loyalty is unquestioned. Some speculate they possess access to advanced weaponry and training derived from the Arcane Forge's secrets.
    Founding Date
    25 AB
    Large city
    Location under


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