Dunehaven Settlement in Theras | World Anvil


Dunehaven is the northest city in the southern desert of abaisgar. It is under the control of House Sunforge, and functions as a large trade hub because of its location. The city was founded after trade through the southern ports became more popular, and a there was a need to divide the journey of merchandise and goods from and to the north in two, instead of a whole stretch through most of the desert and the southern swamps. the can  


Dunehaven is built upon what seems to be a flat-top mountain with steep walls or a mesa. the city which spans about 10 kilometers wide and 15 kilometers long stands atop the mesa at about 450 meters above ground. the walls of the mountains are adorned with various metal contracptions derived from dawrven ingenuity which functions mostly as lifts for merchandise and people. a journey up and down normally takes about 20 minutes.  

nearby topography

the mountain which upon the city lies is inside a canyon about 10 times the size of the mountain. during sandstorms and harsh windy weather the city makes use of Thermal vines in order to negate the effects of the storm. some dangers arrise for personal present in the canyons during such activation of the thermal vines during sandstorms, such as asphixation form the heat and in rare cases - being torn apart by glass storms.  

Commercial importance

  The stretch of land between SunStone and the southern swamps which signal the end of the desert takes about a month using the roads built by House Goldensand and about two times traversing with no buitl roads. the chance of not experiencing at least one withering sandstorm during a single journey to the swamps is laughably low. Dunehave offers shelter and the ability to restock supplies and rebandage caravans along the journey.      


  Dunehaven functions mostly as safe place for merchants and individuals passing through, but for the wealthy and the rich of abaisgar it also functions as a prominent tourist site for those who can afford it. the use of the thermal vines during the sandstorms creates an interesting phenomenon called Geistersturm by the locals. during a Geistersturm a visible layer of wind and sand can be seen 20 meters below the borders of Dunehaven which spins in rotation around the city. Using Sandboards - which are specially crafted contraptions made of wood and linen a rider can slide and wave upon the storm. various races and games can be played while riding the Geistersturm.
Founding Date
450 AB
Location under


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