Gruumsh Character in Theras | World Anvil

Gruumsh (grumsh Or Groomsh)

No! You lie! You have rigged the drawing of lots, hoping to cheat me and my followers. But One-Eye never sleeps; One-Eye sees all. There is a place for orcs to dwell... here! And here! And here again! There! There is where the orcs shall dwell! And they shall survive, and multiply, and grow stronger. And a day will come when they cover the world, and they shall slay all of your collected peoples! Orcs shall inherit the world you sought to cheat me of!
— A Telling of Gruumsh's mythical declartion of war against the other gods

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The Church of Gruumsh reigns supreme within Orcien society. All other priesthoods bow, at least in name, to the might of the War God. Powerful Gruumsh clerics often walk a dual path - serving as both fierce war leaders and advisors to tribal chieftains. Shamans and witch doctors, on the other hand, strictly fill advisory roles.   These devout followers relentlessly push their tribes towards war and expansion, seeking to claim ever more territory. They hold a grim responsibility: weeding out the weak, the sickly, and the infirm to maintain the tribe's strength. Gruumsh's clergy are ruthless - a perceived slight can lead to an orc being ostracized, forced into dangerous situations, or even eliminated outright. Their influence extends far beyond the battlefield, as they hold significant sway in choosing tribal chiefs. Any leader who dares oppose the clergy's goals risks being undermined or worse.   Beyond the orcish strongholds, the Fury of the Eye cult extends its reach through a network of half-orcs and other kin. These individuals, often more readily accepted by other races, act as the cult's eyes and ears. Over time, their devotion to Gruumsh can warp, leading them to view even mixed-race groups, like adventuring bands, with the same fervent loyalty they'd show their own orcish tribes.   Smaller orc bands often raid nearby settlements, harassing those who dare intrude upon what they believe are rightfully orcish lands. Elves and dwarves are frequent targets, but any non-orc is fair game for their insatiable bloodlust.  

Priestly Vestments

The garb of Gruumsh's priests, while varied across tribes, shares some core elements. A ceremonial iron spear, often used for sacrifices, is a constant. Black and dark reds dominate their attire, reflecting the brutality of their god. They wear some form of ceremonial armor, crudely painted black, and some don open-faced helms adorned with a bloody red hue. Grim trophies – teeth, ears, and the like – from past sacrifices and fallen foes are often incorporated into the symbol, a chilling reminder of their dark devotion. The rare few who interact with civilized races might mimic the garb of rival faiths, donning tabards emblazoned with a single, menacing eye.   When venturing out, Gruumsh's priests prioritize practicality. They don the best armor available, painted black if resources allow. They wield either a spear, the weapon of their god, or the most effective weapon in their arsenal. Otherwise, their attire blends seamlessly with that of any other orc warrior.  


Though not a centralized church, many still respect the power of the clergy, even outside their own tribes or kingdoms;
  • The Watched
    Novices undergoing training to become Everwatchers. They perform many tasks, among them: Assisting established clergy, performing menial tasks for the temple and proving their strength and devotion.
  • Everwatcher
    Gruumsh's core clergy, responsible for spreading his teachings, overseeing rituals, and collecting tribute. They perform many tasks, among them: Daily rituals, delivering Gruumsh's pronouncements, collecting offerings from conquered settlements.
  • Eye of Gruumsh
    The spiritual leader, responsible for interpreting Gruumsh's will and maintaining the tribe's religious fervor. They perform many tasks, among them: Leading rituals and sacrifices, advising the War Chief, maintaining the holy sites.
  • Brothers of the Faith
    While not strictly part of the clergy, they hold considerable sway due to their connection to the spirit world. They perform many tasks, among them: Communing with spirits for guidance, healing warriors, brewing potent concoctions.


Unlike many faiths, Gruumsh's clergy require no elaborate temples. They find their holy ground within the very heart of the orcish encampment, a designated area marked by savagery and blood. Alternatively, a nearby cave or grotto might serve as their makeshift sanctuary. When orcs claim the lands of their enemies - elves, dwarves, gnomes – they relish the defilement of conquered temples, twisting these structures to serve the dark rituals of Gruumsh.   The rare, purpose-built shrines dedicated to the War God resemble squat fortresses. Hewn from massive blocks of dark stone, they exude an aura of brutal power. Their interiors are a reflection of orcish life: dark, grimy, and often stained with the dried blood of past ceremonies. Within these brutal sanctuaries, one might find smaller shrines dedicated to the other orc deities, a testament to their pantheon's warlike nature. However, two gods are conspicuously absent: Nyxgaas, and Yurtrus,  


"Gruumsh sees only victory!" and "Blood for the One-Eye!" are common oaths, as is "By his bloody spear!" Clerics and adepts of Gruumsh pray for their spells in the dark of night.   The heart of Gruumsh's worship demands a constant flow of blood. Sacrifices, preferably humans, demi-humans, and especially elves, are offered on a monthly basis to appease the War God's insatiable bloodlust. Despite their unified devotion to Gruumsh, orcish tribes hold conflicting beliefs about how best to earn his favor. Superstitions abound, varying from tribe to tribe, on how to avoid the god's wrath. A prime example is the ritualistic removal of an eye. Many orcs believe this act is a testament of faith, an offering to Gruumsh in hopes of his blessing. However, the chosen eye – left or right – is a matter of fierce debate. Gruumsh himself fuels the confusion, offering no guidance. Legend whispers that he craves followers so devoted they mirror his own one-eyed visage, yet he remains elusive on the specifics.   For those who prove their faith through exceptional acts, a rare reward awaits. Should an orc slay an elf in Gruumsh's name and offer the corpse as a sacrifice, the War God himself might manifest. In this terrifying apparition, he may demand one of the supplicant's eyes. But the price is a coveted honor - the chance to channel a sliver of Gruumsh's rage in battle, a potent form of divine magic that grants them an edge over their enemies.

Tenets of Faith

There is no peace for the orcish soul. Gruumsh demands eternal war! His will is clear: crush your enemies, leaving only smoldering ruins and weeping slaves in your wake. Expand your domain, carving out a savage empire from the bones of the weak.   Elves – those spindly, arrogant beings – are an abomination. Their graceful forests shall burn, their cities crumble beneath orcish might. Dwarves, those burrow-dwelling cowards, will be driven from their hoarded treasures. Their mountain strongholds will become orcish fortresses, echoing with the thunder of war drums.   Strength is the only virtue. Weakness is a disease, a plague that saps the tribe's vigor. Those who cannot fight, who cannot contribute to the glory of Gruumsh, invite a swift death. The orcish spirit thrives where lesser races wither. These harsh lands are our cradle, our forge. From them, we shall launch our unstoppable tide, conquering all who oppose us.   We are the chosen, the inheritors of this world by right. The lesser gods, those craven deities of humans and demi-humans, stole our birthright at the dawn of time. Now, we reclaim what is rightfully ours! Elves and dwarves shall pay for their treachery in blood. The strong will rule, the weak will be trampled underfoot. Obey Gruumsh's iron will, and the orcish race shall achieve ultimate dominion!
— Dogma of the Faith
Non-Orcien Followers
Not all followers of Gruumsh embrace such absolute savagery. Some, while adhering to the core tenets of strength and conquest, take a more pragmatic approach. They may not automatically kill or enslave non-orcs. Even dwarves and elves, traditional enemies, might find reprieve if they demonstrate respect or possess skills valuable to the tribe. However, beneath this pragmatism lies an unyielding desire to prove orcish superiority. Every interaction, every contest, becomes a test of strength and martial prowess, a chance to assert orcish dominance over the lesser races.


Anniversaries of great battles against dwarves, elves, or other orc tribes are also considered holy days. In addition, Uncrescent moons are percieved as an auspice for war and it is usually a cost for celebration and quick mobilisation for a raid or war.  
Gruumsh's holy day is the new Kas'shi , and it is worshiped in orcish lairs.  
Gharfek’taazmarks the anniversary of Gruumsh's brutal rise to power as the ruler of Nishrek, the orcish realm of the afterlife. This day is steeped in blood, for it is the time when new shamans are ordained through horrific rituals of sacrifice and torture.   Initiation into the Fury of the Eye cult, Gruumsh's most fervent followers, demands acts of extreme devotion. Initiates may be forced to sacrifice to the One-Eyed God or enslave the orcs' most hated enemies. The most brutal test involves willingly impaling oneself upon a spear, a symbolic mirroring of Gruumsh's own suffering at the hands of rival deities. Those who endure this ordeal for a day or more earn a tentative acceptance into the cult's ranks. However, this is just the beginning. Cultists must constantly prove their unwavering devotion through further trials, ensuring their place within Gruumsh's brutal embrace.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

A towering orc, Gruumsh embodies raw power and unbridled rage. His singular eye burns with a malevolent fire, reflecting the endless war he wages within himself and across the realms. He wields a mighty spear, a conduit for his savage might.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Myths and legends

There are many theories of Gruumsh's origins and many of them are shrouded in the myths and legends of pre-history, though one tale bandied about by particularly dauntless theologians claimed a link to his archenemy Corellon as depicted in The Myth of the Orcs.   However, more important one, is the one that Ioun revealed to many of those who seek the 'greater good' in the examination of orcs or the total destruction of the world - the history as many recorded perfectly in many areas of the world - The Separation by Spear!  
The Eye of Gruumsh
In a past time, Gruumsh had two eyes but he lost one in a fight with the chief elven god Corellon Larethian. Myths say that Gruumsh had become enraged when he saw the newly formed bodies of the elves, viewing them as an abomination. Accordingly, he gathered like-minded deities into an army meant to crush The Seldarine and their own allies. Gruumsh meant to paralyze Corellon with his magical spear; this attack failed and initiated an epic battle. During the course of this battle Gruumsh injured Corellon and, according to legend, from the blood shed by Corellon the elven people were brought to life, while the blood shed by Gruumsh was used to create the orcs. Corellon ended the fight by putting out Gruumsh's left eye, which is how Gruumsh earned his moniker "One-Eye". Some Orcish clerics deny this tale, dismissing it as elven propaganda, and claim that Gruumsh always had one eye.  
The Creation
Gruumsh created the orcs from his own blood and hatred, in his own image, to be his servants in the world but was cheated out of a home for his people by the other gods:   In the beginning all the gods met and drew lots for the parts of the world in which their representative races would dwell. The Human gods drew the lot that allowed humans to dwell where they pleased, in any environment. The elven gods drew the green forests, the dwarven deities drew the high mountains, the Gnomish gods the rocky, sunlit hills, and the Halfling gods picked the lot that gave them the fields and meadows. Then the assembled gods turned to the Orcish gods and laughed loud and long. "All the lots are taken!" they said tauntingly. "Where will your people dwell, One-Eye? There is no place left!".   There was silence upon the world then, as Gruumsh One-Eye lifted his great iron spear and stretched it over the world. The shaft blotted the sun over a great part of the lands as he spoke: "No! You Lie! You have rigged the drawing of the lots, hoping to cheat me and my followers. But One-Eye never sleeps. One-Eye sees all. There is a place for orcs to dwell…here!", he bellowed, and his spear pierced the mountains, opening a mighty rift and chasms. "And here!", and the spearhead split the hills and made them shake and covered them in dust. "And here!", and the black spear gouged the meadows and made them bare.   "There!" roared He-Who-Watches triumphantly, and his voice carried to the ends of the world. "There is where the orcs shall dwell! There they will survive, and multiply, and grow stronger, and a day will come when they cover the world, and they will slay all of your collective peoples! Orcs shall inherit the world you sought to cheat me of!"

Personality Characteristics


Gruumsh stands as the dark heart of the orcish religion, a faith built on brutality, bloodshed, and the thrill of devastation. His orcish followers find pleasure in the act of slaughter, their blind savagery fueled by unwavering devotion to their god. They see Gruumsh's wrath in every natural disaster - the rumble of an earthquake becomes his angered roar, the howl of a storm his bellowing challenge. These fears hold a grim truth, for Gruumsh is a destroyer. hrough his orcish hordes, he sows chaos and ruin across the land.   Driven by primal instincts rather than reason, orcs are a naturally chaotic race. Most lack the capacity for leadership, relying on charismatic strongmen to unify their tribes. Mere claims of allegiance to Gruumsh hold no sway. Only the truly ferocious, the ones who prove their worth through savage acts and feats of strength, attract the War God's direct attention.   Gruumsh himself chooses his champions, bestowing upon them potent dreams or visions that mark their acceptance. These divine touches leave a permanent mark. Some are driven to the edge of madness, babbling of omens and prophecies. Others are imbued with supernatural power, becoming leaders who inspire both awe and fear within their tribes.


Contacts & Relations

By his side stands Luthic, his formidable wife, and Bahgtru, his heir forged in the fires of war.   Driven by an unyielding sense of superiority, Gruumsh views all non-orcs as enemies. However, some ignite a special brand of loathing within him. Corellon Larethien, earns Gruumsh's unyielding hatred. This animosity spills over to the entire The Seldarine, particularly Sehanine Moonbow. He suspects her of manipulating him countless times to shield Corellon and her kin. Moradin, and his pantheon also face Gruumsh's scorn, a natural consequence of the bitter rivalry between the two races.   A simmering hatred burns between Gruumsh and Maglubiyet. Their rivalry transcends the mortal realm, spilling over into the battlefields of Acheron. There, mighty orc spirits, commanded by Gruumsh, clash eternally with goblin hordes under Maglubiyet. Orcish legend boasts of perpetual victory, yet the goblins, resilient and tenacious, always return for another fight.   Within his own pantheon, Gruumsh reigns with an iron fist. While Nyxgaas and Yurtrus maintain a veneer of loyalty, it's fear, not reverence, that governs their actions. Ilneval, however, proves himself a loyal lieutenant, faithfully executing Gruumsh's brutal commands.
The One-Eyed God;
Lord of Slaughter;
He Who Watches;
The Destroyer;
The Stormlord;
Master of Nishrek;
Father of Orcs;
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Talos, Vaprak
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Bahgtru, Luthic, Nyxgaas
Orcs. Territory, Storm, Destruction, Conflagration, Voltrices
Conquest, Strength, Survival, War, Storm, forest fires, earthquakes, tornadoes, Rebellion
Death (Murder, Psycopomp), Destruction (Catastrophe, Hatred, Rage), Evil (Cannibalism, Devil, Kyton, Fear), Orc, Ruins, Strength (Ferocity, Resolve), War, Weather (Storms)
Single, unblinking eye that bleeds
Fighters, half-orcs, orcs, Barbarians, druids, fighters, those who fear the destructive power of nature
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
The Bloodspear (longspear/shortspear)
Holy Days


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