Garyx Character in Theras | World Anvil

Garyx (GAIR-iks)

Garyx is the chaotic evil dragon god of fire, destruction, and renewal. He signifies the immense power and destructive nature of dragons, along with the purifying aspect of fire. There are beliefs suggesting Garyx may have become insane due to his extended stay in the plane of Pandemonium.   Since his revival in 977 AB, he took on the portfolios of greed and selfishness. In 983 AB he took under his care the portfolios of Rebellion and change.  
Garyx is reputed to have a lair in the Abyss, and another in Pandemonium.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Red dragons and a handful of renegade gold dragons worship Garyx. Red dragons honor him as the All-Destroyer, while gold dragons see him as the Cleanser of Worlds, believing in purifying the world with fire to eradicate evil. Despite this, Garyx shows little interest in his followers.   He is the god of destruction among the non-Orcish species and Non-Giant species, Garyx is considered the god of desrtruction and dread his wrath and sometime, ask for it.   Certain druids revere Garyx's aspect of renewal, understanding that destruction is essential for regeneration.   Garyx shows little concern for his clergy, and likewise, his followers are undeterred by his indifference. They believe he bestows upon them the power for acts of destruction, which satisfies them. In addition, they believe that the way to rebellion, starts with Garyx.   Since 983 AB, the clergy itself had become prominent in the Arqmati Pantheon, where many rebels found its spirit 'enlightening' vs the powers of law and order, rebelling in every way possible.   They are many 'good' people that worship him in the cause of rebellion and frequently they fail to see that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  
Garyx's clerics observe two significant rituals. During the winter solstice, they mark the All-Consuming Night by maintaining towering bonfires and incinerating combustible materials. At the spring equinox, they perform the Sanctification of Renewal, meticulously inspecting the remnants of the All-Consuming Night fires for any salvageable remnants to repurpose into new items.

Tenets of Faith

  • Emulate the destructive fervor of Garyx, laying waste to the world with unrelenting chaos and devastation.
  • Embrace greed and selfishness as virtues, as Garyx himself esteems those who exhibit these qualities excessively.
  • Aspire to be rewarded with the transformation into hoarder dragons upon death, tasked with safeguarding treasures from would-be plunderers.
  • Demonstrate unwavering faith and greediness to receive material rewards, including items crafted by Garyx himself, such as the coveted Shackles of Amilek, bestowed upon those deemed truly faithful.
  There are many that do not agree with greediness, and as such try to devout themselves more to the 'rebellious Dogma' and are disgusted with greed, but the truly devout, do in fact follow those tenets and do not pay lip services.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Garyx usually manifests as a huge fire dragon, sometimes red, sometimes gold.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In 75,000 BB, Garyx led red dragons, and then all dragonkind, in a war against the giant empire in the Ten Thousand Year War. Giant traditions had that the god of giantkind, Annam All-Father, made a truce with Garyx by agreeing with him to settle the war with a game of Wah-ree. So skilled were the two opponents, that game ended in a stalemate, and the war came to an end.   Garyx was killed by She'eros in The Gods War over the rule of The Kingdom of Aluda'ar, where Garyx lost his influence.     Following the death of Talos in 983 AB by Garyx, Garyx had taken the rebellion portfolio into his arsenal.


Contacts & Relations

Garyx has no interest in alliances with other gods.
The All-Destroyer;
The Cleanser of Worlds;
The Firelord;
The Rebel;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power
Chaotic Evil
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Conflagration, Destruction, Fire, Selfishness, Rebellion, Change
Chaos (Entropy), Destruction (Catastrophe, Hatred, Rage), Evil (Daemon, Fear), Fire, Liberation, Ruins, Scalykind (Dragon), Trickery (Greed)
Reptilian eye superimposed over a flame
Evil Dragons, Druids, Thieves, Hoarders, Treasurers, Rebels
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Claw (Scimitar or Sickle)
Holy Days


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