Theras The Second Azaraki Peace Wars

The Second Azaraki Peace Wars

Military: War


The Birth of the Azarspawns. Though the documents say this war had lasted for 4,000 years, there are not many records of the war. From what the ruins that were found it is recorded, that during the Era of Bridges, the Azaraks which were not only a renegade faction of Soryna, but they had become the majority of that race, had abducted all the new creatures that emerged and experimented on them.
There were many failed experiments as they prodded the defenses of Soryna as she guarded against Tharizdun and his forces of madness, but when they struck in full force – Soryna was ready as she had agents of her own inside Tharizdun's corrupted Azaraks. She had anticipated it and had her forces prepare the lines of defense in the Astral. While the first 3,000 years were just skirmishes, the last 1,000 years were the real war, where many Celestial bodies were destroyed and Tharizdun, was weakened from Greater Power to Intermediate Power as Etarr, had betrayed Tharizdun from within.

The entities of Etarr and Tharizdun cooperation had vaporated and the far realm's forces were forever in no match for the evolving world of Theras as the Second Azaraki war had demonstrated -as she had no need for a lot of Azarakis to stop their invasion.

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