The Dragonborn who Loved Mud Document in Theras | World Anvil

The Dragonborn who Loved Mud

The Dragonborn who Loved Mud, or The Dragon that Loved Mud, is a play in 5 acts written by Ruairí O’ Cualin. As he claims, the play, with its various sideplots and alternative storylines, were initially given to him in a dream by a "pretty lizard with butterfly wings", and later as an "overwhelming rush of ideas".  


Act I: "Once upon a time there lived a Dragonborn who loved to eat mud...". One day, he noticed that his mudcake was bitter, so he went on to find out why.   Act II: The dragonborn arrives to where the mud was exported from and sees the land is in pain. He falls in love with her and meets with the local ruler, who's dressed as a jester.   Act III: The ruler tasks the dragonborn with cleaning his basement, catching a butterfly for his mansion, and illuminating the temple.   Act IV: After finishing his tasks, only the temple remains. He fights the darkness, but the battle is hard because the darkness was there for a long time.   Act V: The temple is illuminated, and the land thanks him. He returns home, where he eats mudcakes and he lives happily ever after.   An alternative fifth act, where the dragonborn is interred in the land's loving embrace after failing to illuminate the temple, was discarded.
Manuscript, Literature
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