The Eternal Forge Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil

The Eternal Forge

The Soul Forge is the birthplace of the dwarven race, where their seven fathers were forged, and where Moradin breathes life into every dwarf. It is a towering block of mithral, perceived as 40 feet tall by mortals, next to a pool of molten soulfire for softening and a wall of pure ice for tempering. The air is hot but never smoky. Moradin himself is almost always at the forge, overseeing dwarven spirits being forged (or reforged) and sent to the Prime Material Plane for birth or rebirth. Careless visitors risk being picked up, hammered into dwarven shape, and reincarnated against their will. The Forge also acts as a portal to any plane where dwarves live, and to the realms of all other dwarven gods. Nosy dwarves who appear to have so much time on their hands that they resort to pestering a busy creator god are often sent through a portal to some place where Moradin hopes they'll make themselves useful. When Moradin is elsewhere, those who earn the right to do so by completing difficult tasks assigned by Moradin's proxies may use the Forge to enhance any weapon.
Alternative Name(s)
The Soul Forge;
Location under


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