The Great Mother's Garden Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil

The Great Mother's Garden

While this is the realm of Thea, commonly perceived as a goddess of agriculture, the garden is not, in fact, cultivated. Instead, all manner of foods grow here naturally and in abundance.   Thea's realm is a representation of her dominion over the Realms. During the annual planting season, the goddess works her realm's sprawling fields, planting handfuls of seeds in furrows and closing them with her bare feet. The goddess takes her duties with intense diligence, knowing that if she was late to plant or the fields are damaged, it causes the fertility of the Realms to suffer. A churned plot of earth in one spot of the field can cause croup failure in Nova Terra, in another spot - scorched earth can create famine in Abaisgar. Her realm's fields are teeming with life: insects buss about, earthworms fill the soil, robins flitter about.
Alternative Name(s)
The Principiality
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