Nahrso Empire Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Nahrso Empire

The Nahrso Empire was the body that unified the Narsilians in the war against the Menedynn Empire. Back then, the heart of the Empire was among the elven kingdoms. Back then, in the year 6,020 BB the Narsilians were set on the mind of fighting the Dragonborn empire of Ansko.   The Narsilian sailed with force to the now known as the Free Cities of Nidoran and with the aid of the ancient sea elves of Rîn Dolirand, they crossed The Red Ocean (once the Aski Ocean, before the war), and broke the Draconian armada there of the Old Ansko Empire. It was said that the waters were so red with the wars there. They say that the god of war, Kord has visited the battlefields there with Bailshar many times.   By the year 2,000 BB, the Nahrso empire established many colonies and fought their wars with the Dragonborn empire across the continent with the alliance of all the races, they reached almost every corner, except the elven and Dwarven kingdoms that shunned them.    
The Era of Upheaval
The Empire survived many atrocities, however the Narsilians back then, weren't satisfied with their pro-longed life and they sought more. They sought the gift of Immortality and hence they severed their connections with the elves and began many experiments and dealt with various creatures that offered them help.   The Empire even slaughtered its own denizens in order to achieve immortality, until the Narsilian Civil War began, with the great houses of Arasil, Siril and Vahris rose against the Empire.   The civil war tore the empire and the successor of the Empire today, are The Nars Duchies... Duchies that unbenkown to anyone save themselves, are still keeping the ways of the old Empire.

6020 BB - 1 BB

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