The Uncrowned Throne Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil

The Uncrowned Throne

The Uncrowned Throne is a Fiendish plane, Its only standing structure, the Shattered Castle, also known as the Shattered Keep and the Castle of the Supreme Throne, is the divine realm of Khaziba, the Prince of Lies.   The Realm coexist both in Pandemonium and Limbo.  


The Uncrowned Throne is the home plane of chaos beasts, demodands, howlers, and slaadi. It is also home to howling dragons and chaos dragons.


Much like the rest of Cocytus, the Supreme Throne is a barren realm where howling winds could drive mortals mad. Because Khaziba is the enemy of all other faiths, the followers of any deity besides Khaziba find their spells more difficult to cast on the plane.   The Shattered Castle is a twisted and ruined fortress that first served as Khaziba's seat of power, It is called the "Castle of the Supreme Throne" only by Khaziba himself.


According to a thrall captured by mind flayers, the Supreme Throne was originally established as a kingdom in the plane of Limbo by Azaraks who had left Theras after around −80,500 BB.
Alternative Name(s)
Shattered Keep, Castle of the Supreme Throne
Location under


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