Khaziba Character in Theras | World Anvil


Khaziba, the weaver of falsehoods, thrives on the shadows of conflict and deceit. Lies dance on his tongue, illusions swirl in his wake, and mortals stumble blindly to his snare. He delights in twisting intentions, be they noble or base, and exposing the folly sown in their wake. When hearts shatter and dreams turn to ash, Khaziba savors the bitter tears that fill his ruby-encrusted chalice, each drop a testament to his cruel amusement.   With an extensive following, Khaziba's unholy allure attracts power-hungry mortals like moths to a flame, ultimately consuming them in its relentless grasp.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The Church of Khaziba faces considerable opposition across the lands due to its followers' practices of manipulating, dividing, and spreading misinformation. Those aligned with good find their actions abhorrent, while even neutral and non-religious communities suffer the disruption caused by their discord sown. Even followers of darker paths view the church with caution due to its leader's ambition and willingness to undermine rivals.   Khaziba attracts individuals motivated by power and manipulation, particularly those seeking to navigate uncertain times through calculated strategies. Assassins also find common ground with his teachings, but it's crucial to understand the internal competition and betrayals that plague the organization.   While promoting fear and conflict, Khaziba's clergy operate in the shadows, manipulating events for personal gain. They may support tyrannical rulers and influence others, but avoid actions that overtly glorify other deities. Despite their shared cause, internal rivalries and power struggles are common within the church.    
Priestly Vestments
Clergy typically wear subdued clothing in dark colors, adorned with silver accents. They may use disguises or illusions depending on their tasks, aiming for invisibility or intimidation as needed. Protective gear is often hidden beneath their garments.  
Titles and ranks within the church are fluid and often disputed, as advancement hinges on exploiting opportunities created by superiors' failures. Clergy may be guided by internal whispers, attributing them to their deity with uncertain authenticity. Titles like "Dark Master," "Hand of Khaziba," "Watchful Skull," and "Dread Death" hint at their roles and objectives.  
These structures embody Khaziba's chaotic nature, taking various forms like hidden caves, abandoned buildings, or forgotten dungeons. Many resemble remnants of fallen evil deities, often echoing with disturbing sounds. Common elements include sacrificial altars and large halls for gatherings led by the high cleric.    
Clergy conduct nighttime prayers at the peak of the dark sun's radiance, offering blood sacrifices to entreat favors from their deity, presumably when Nyx is at the highest point in the sky.

Tenets of Faith

  • Death to all who oppose Khaziba.
  • Submit to his supreme power, and surrender the names of non-believers.
  • Obey those in authority, but eliminate the weak, the virtuous, and false prophets.
  • Confront clergy from other faiths, as they oppose the true path.
  • Bring death to those that oppose Khaziba's church or make peace, order, and laws, for only Khaziba is the true authority and all other authority must be subverted.
  • Avoid outright rebellion, as it provokes action from false deities.
  • Defeat one enemy at a time, fostering fear, unease, and constant strife.
  • Justify any means to achieve the desired end.


Khaziba's church observes minimal holy days. Nonetheless, when a temple gains something or someone deemed significant for sacrifice to Khaziba, its high cleric proclaims a Day of the Dark Sun to mark the sanctity of the occasion. Eclipses are consistently regarded as sacred and are frequently commemorated with feasts, intense prayers, and the assassination of a prominent cleric or paladin of Helios and one of the Four Andorian Major deities.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

As a mortal man, Khaziba had a lean athletic build. His dark Red hair outlines a face of sharp angles, highlighted by crow's-feet eyes, a pointed chin, and hawkish nose.   On first becoming a god, Khaziba's avatar takes on a similar appearance, but with ghastly pale skin and intense, dark eyes. He exhibits Human mannerisms, and is often prone to wriggling and squirming when he becomes anxious or impatient, But after a decade of godhood, Khaziba's avatar began to more reflect the horrific nature of his character. His face went so gaunt it resembled a skull and the skin wrapped around his tightly wound cords of muscle turned red. Khaziba's eyes appeared as small flames within his skull, his teeth turned crooked and yellowed, and his fingers are stripped of flesh until only bone remained. With some effort, Khaziba can hide this appearance with use of illusion magic when making appearances in the Realms.

Special abilities

Khaziba's avatar is entirely immune to the effects of illusion, charm, fear-inducing, or other emotion-altering magic, and was always ignored by undead beings. He can inflict madness upon others with his mere touch. He often appears as an avatar that resembled his mortal body, but can choose any form he wished, at times preferring those of a terrible spider, or the visage of a skull. Khaziba's divine powers are amplified while on Pandemonium, the plane of pure chaos.   When he appears as a manifestation, Khaziba preferred to take on the appearance of a wraith that haunts the dreams of mortals or that of a poisonous cloud of smoke. When he can't be bothered to appear himself, Khaziba merely creates nightmares of undead in the psyche of his victims.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In his earthly existence, Khaziba embraced a petty and self-centered perspective, convinced that everyone faced life's challenges in isolation. He considered placing trust in others a folly destined to result in suffering or, more likely, death. Despite occasional acts of altruism, such as rallying the people of Albiril in a notable battle, Khaziba ultimately succumbed to his darker inclinations.   His selfish nature, difficulty managing intense emotions, and reluctance to seek support from others prompted Khaziba to distance himself from those who genuinely cared for him. Consequently, he endured inner turmoil, torn between a genuine but undernourished desire to act for the benefit of others and a compulsion to showcase strength and power, driven by a sense of self-preservation.   Khaziba's adventures further brought to light the darker facets of his character, including a morbid fascination with killing, an effortless mastery of half-truths, a penchant for instilling fear in others, an unsettling bloodlust, and a gratification derived from exerting dominance over the vulnerable. Upon ascending to godhood, these negative aspects of Khaziba's humanity reached their zenith. As a deity, he became entirely egocentric, finding immense pleasure in manipulating mortals to the point of orchestrating the ruin or demise of their own lives. For a period, Khaziba developed a belief in his superiority over all beings in the multiverse.  

Lolth's Chosen

The Young Khaziba, was actually a chosen one of the goddess Lolth, who chose to make her best lie yet to all the pantheons. She has chosen a male champion and not only that, a Human failure. A low mercenary, for which high hopes were for him as a chosen of Albiril and the one that led their Armies into Bafigron to battles. Young Khaziba has failed the Young Kingdom of Albiril and had become a rotten general, doing everything in his power to keep the fledging kingdom from submitting to the Bafigron Empire. He, the Human mercenary went to Lindarians and had their support. However, he sold them out in mischevious scheme and took his loyalists to Astradise and conquered the city with his deserters and then his powers, as an Idol has began to accumlate and he discovered the one who followed him all his life, the Goddess Lolth. The Goddess had made Khaziba take his loyalists into the underdark and there Lolth, made the biggest trap in history for the leader, gazing deep into his soul, he saw the truth, that he wasn't born... He was created by the Divine energies of Lolth and then, his mind as an Aspect shaped up, turning and scheming, lying... cheating everyone and anyone he could take advantage off.   There are rumors that Khaziba left the underdark and built the city state of Astradise and had later left sailing to the west, moving through the Sea Routes of Albir and settling on the Great Codquests Ice fields, where his whole armada disembarked inside the Great Codquest Ice Fields, never to be seen again. Only frozen ships, abandoned with a laugh, echoing in the wind.  
Rumors and Legends
There are many speculation about Khaziba... In recent years, the records in Sophia-Hold, state that Khaziba was seen as a Human, almost with the same backstory in the other parts of the world. In Epeoris there was a Human named Cazib, which his story very much reminds of the story of tricking the people, abandoning them, fighting between themselves.
Deciever of Truth;
The Unseen Hand;
The Hidden Truth;
The Keeper of Hidden Knowledge;
The Architect of Chaos;
The Uncrowned King;
The Weaver of WIlls;
The Omniarch;
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Pandemonium, Limbo
Subservient Deities
Tharizdun, Zinzerena
Deception, Intrigue, Lies, Mischief, Betrayal
Illusion, Skill, Blackguards, Madness, Blood Magic
Chaos, Charm (Captivation), Darkness (Loss), Death (Murder), Erosion, Destruction (Hatred), Evil, Glory (Hubris), Madness, Trickery, Void, War (Blood)
A smiling mouth with a cloven tongue
Power-hungry humans (usually young), Thieves, Those that were touched by Lolth, Blackguards
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
"Razor's Edge" (longsword)
Holy Days


The church of Khaziba does not sponsor any knightly orders. Khaziba has ordered the establishment of a fighting order, the Company of the Ebon Spur, but the order has found no leader yet. The two priests in charge of establishing admission standards into the order (two high-ranking priests in two of the emerging Abaisgarian temples) cannot agree on what those standards should be and are engaged in intricate plots to kill each other off, since each is convinced he is right. Since Khaziba appears to each of them in a vision and gave them precise and contradictory instructions as to the establishment of the order, he is evidently pleased with their efforts. When the order finally does get off the ground, Khazibians crusaders will lead fighters against rival churches for the glory of Khaziba.  


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