Limbo Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil


Breathe the fire;
Walk the air;
Drink the earth;
Warm your hands at the water.
— A petitioner's greeting to Limbo
  The Ever-Changing Chaos of Limbo is an Outer plane that embodies the chaotic neutral alignment.   This plane is supreme chaos, a twisting, quicksilver place filled with bits and pieces of rocks, trees, the four elements, entire landscapes, strong winds, and random pockets of liquid, solid, or gas. Sentient beings could dampen down the chaos to livable levels and produce a safe environment as long as they maintain concentration. The size of a safe zone is directly related to the intelligence of the individual controller. Demigods and more powerful beings do not have this burden and indeed can create realms that survive even if they leave Limbo. Gravity operated only between solid objects that touched each other and has about the same strength as on most Prime Material Planes. Thrown objects fly straight until they hit a solid object. Objects with no momentum hang in space until contacted by something solid.   Limbo has five layers that are nearly indistinguishable from each other. The first four layers are named for the chief race or deity that are most often found there. The fifth layer is referred to as the layer of Lost Gods.  
  • Gith and Slaad The slaad are likely natives of Limbo and the githzerai are immigrants (or refugees, if you ask the githyanki) and the first layer is named for them. This layer is strategically important because of its connections to Gladsheim, Concordant Opposition, Pandemonium, and the Astral plane.
  • Susanowo Named after a deity from the country of Japan on Earth, he rule a spherical bubble half filled with sea water and aquatic life and churned by storms of his making.
  • Agni Named after a deity from the country of India on Earth, he resides in a sphere of pure flame that floats through the layers at his will.
  • Indra Also from India, Indra's sphere is half filled with enchanted milk and his palace stood on an island-sized tortoise (or possibly a tortoise-shaped island).
  • Lost Gods It is unknown if any race or deity favored this layer.
When souls arrived in the plane of Limbo, they are not allowed to manifest in some form but rather are absorbed into the matter of the plane. Occasionally a collection of spirits become powerful enough to form what is called a chaos elemental, not to be confused with a being from the elemental planes.  
Limbo is home to the slaadi and their lords (most notably Ygorl and Ssendam), and to the githzerai. Very few gods call Limbo home, as the plane is not well-suited to any sort of permanent structures.

Fauna & Flora

Chaos dragon and Chaos Beast
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species

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