Themis Character in Theras | World Anvil


[quote]Remember, child of Ursevin, justice is not a cold decree, but a burning ember in your heart. Let Themis' scales guide you, for in finding balance, you forge a future where peace and prosperity reign.[/tooltip] Themis is the goddess of justice and prophecy, fair judgements and the rights established by custom and law. Unlike other gods of justice, in the Ursevnis Pantheon and espacially among the Ursevnin, justice is considered as a personal thing and not decided by courts, which only act on the name of the government. That is not to say that the Ursevnin are barbarians who do not have court, but more like justice is a private concept.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The Clergy of Themis are independent of each other, with no central hierarachy. The Ursevnin themsleves are seeing the clergy in ever court or a noble house, as they oversee the justice in their society.  
Day-to-Day Activities
The Clergy is acting as arbiters, mediators among many conflicts, both violent and non-violent in their societies. Whenever someone escape justice, there is a sure way to contact members of the church who act as bounty-hunters who will deliver the justice to the target.  
There are no temples for Themis, as there are more altars in many places, in their residence and entrance to their settlements.  
The Priests of Themis, pray for their spells at twilight, whenever crime is thought to have escaped from justice.

Tenets of Faith

Dogma of Themis

  • Justice is a personal matter, not merely a function of the state. Every individual must strive to uphold justice in their own lives and take responsibility for their actions and the consequences thereof.
  • Strive to deliver fair and impartial judgments, taking into account the rights established by custom and law. Honor the traditions and legal frameworks that guide society.
  • Every being has the right to be judged fairly, their grievances heard, and their debts settled. Seek truth with unwavering resolve, for justice delayed is justice denied.
  • Those who inflict harm must face consequences. Punishment should not exceed the crime, but serve as a necessary counterweight to maintain order.
  • Conflict is inevitable, but bloodshed is not. Seek peaceful resolutions whenever possible, for a wise word can prevent a thousand wounds.
  • Let integrity be your compass. Act with courage, fairness, and respect for all, even your adversaries. True victory lies in upholding your honor.
  • The threads of destiny weave a complex tapestry. Heed the whispers of prophecy, for they offer a chance to avert disaster or seize opportunity.
  • Offer wise counsel and guidance to those in need, helping them navigate moral dilemmas and make choices that align with principles of justice and honor.
  • The laws established by society provide a framework for order. Yet, tradition and custom hold wisdom earned through generations. Respect both, for they are two sides of the same coin.
  • Encourage personal accountability and responsibility for one's actions. Recognize that true justice begins with the individual and their commitment to living justly.
  • Understand that justice is a private concept, deeply personal and unique to each individual. Courts may act in the name of the government, but true justice is carried out by individuals in their daily actions.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Themis is the embodiment of personalized justice and custom; as such, she is known to take varied forms depending on the observers. However, some of her features are consistent regardless of appearance.   Torch
Usually carried in her left hand, the torch signifies her role and duty as a guide towards justice, while also exemplifying her adherence to what she demands of her worshippers: seek injustice in the darkest crevices and the most remote nooks, illuminate it, and address it.   Eyes
Themis is surrounded by floating eyes; some skim erratically, looking for injustices; some fixate on remote locations; and occasionally, some stare at her directly, in judgelike deliberation.   Bell The bell represent the declaration of justice, the call of the people to the court.   Fuirclaak
A piece of clothing made from fur of an albino predator.   Carriage
The avatar of the goddess or manifestations themelves sometimes moves around on a carriage, or a cart, with inscribed with famous judgements made that the viewers recognize.  
Lady Justice;
The Blinded Goddess;
The Scale Holder;
Goddess of Reconciliation;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power , Aspect of Bahamut
Chaotic Good
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Justice, Retribution, Mediation, Arbitration, Prophecy, Honor, Honorable Battle
Community (Cooperation), Good (Azata, Friendship), Law (Judgement), Glory (Honor, Legend), Nobility (None)
Blind-Folded lady, holding a scale in the right hand and a sword in the left hand
Judges, Nobles, Bounty-Hunters, Those who seek Justice
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
'Rulecarver' (Battleaxe, Handaxe) or 'Final judgement' (Greataxe)
Holy Days


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