Bahamut Character in Theras | World Anvil


Bahamut is revered in many locales. Though all good dragons pay homage to Bahamut. Gold, silver, and brass dragons hold him in particularly high regard. Other dragons, even evil ones (except perhaps his archrival Tiamat), respect Bahamut for his wisdom and power

Holy Books & Codes

Many who worship Bahamut recite the following as a morning ritual:  
I exalt your name, O Primeaval Dragon, and entreat to fulfill your divine duty. May I safeguard those in my midst, as your wings encompass us. May I pursue truth, as your gaze oversees us. May I combat wickedness, as your talons shield us. May I reject temptation and falsehood, as your heart leads us.   I exalt your name, O Primeaval Dragon, and beseech to uphold your sacred charge.
— The Sacred Charge

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The majority of Bahamut's worshipers were in the past metallic dragons, though he has followers among many races, especially the ones who wish to protect the weak.
Today, the Platinum one has clergy in all lands, as he is the main god of Justice.   Bahamut exclusively welcomes priests who adhere to principles of goodness or lawful neutrality. They may include dragons, half-dragons, and primarily mortals. Their endeavor is to consistently but discreetly advocate for goodness. While they confront evil, their foremost obligation is to ensure they inflict no harm in the process. Clerics typically possess proficiency in martial arts and combat, often leaping into any conflict to defend against unjust aggressors.   Bahamut is renowned for his frequent collaboration with his clerics, more so than other dragon deities. He tasks them with confronting the principal vulnerabilities of dragonkind, namely the inclination of good dragons to engage in dubious actions due to greed or cowardice, the risk of subjugation (disapproved by all dragon gods), and the presence of evil dragons.   Should a dragon cleric violate Bahamut's principles, engage in dubious deeds, or fall prey to subjugation, either willingly or forcibly, they would incur his disfavor and be required to make amends by offering a portion of their treasure or undertaking specific tasks. Alternatively, they might suffer a reduction in their clerical abilities. Persistent transgressions would result in the complete loss of their clerical powers, a comparatively lenient penalty when contrasted with the punishments inflicted by other dragon gods, like Tiamat, upon their failed clerics.   Non-draconic devotees of Bahamut typically received instruction in his precepts from a venerable wyrm, often assuming humanoid form, typically that of a gold or silver dragon. Teacher and pupil frequently embarked on journeys to witness firsthand the consequences of injustice and cruelty. Bahamut's travels inspired numerous bardic tales depicting an unassuming elderly man accompanied by canaries, renowned among his adherents. Many of his human and demihuman clergy embarked on pilgrimages alongside trained canaries, seeking to emulate their deity.   Today, the clergy of Bahamut is every where in Neomen Pantheon controlled territories and Narsilisch.    
Priestly Vestments
The ceremonial garb worn by Bahamut's clergy during ceremonies typically includes a gleaming suit of scale mail, crafted from metal corresponding to their rank, topped with a golden robe. The hierarchy of metals used in the armor, from lowest to highest rank, consists of copper, brass, bronze, silver, and gold. Their holy symbol often comprises a gemstone intricately carved into a star shape or bearing the engraved motif of a star-over-nebula.   During their adventures, Bahamut's priests often don the heaviest metallic armor they can procure, typically opting for custom-crafted attire resembling that of a dragon. This includes helms fashioned in the likeness of a dragon's head. Some esteemed priests and paladins may wield dragon swords, longswords available in seven variants, each corresponding to a type of benevolent dragon: gold, silver, bronze, copper, brass, steel, and mercury. These swords appear to be crafted from the metal associated with the respective dragon type, with their hilts and handles designed to resemble dragon heads.  
The highly organized church of Bahahmut, there are quite a number of ranks and titles available to his faithful. In descending order these were:
  • Keeper of the Balance
  • Defender of Justice
  • Hammer Lord
  • Knight Commander
  • High Avenger
  • Master Avenger
  • Avenger
  • Just Captain
  • Vigilant Watcher
  • Hammer of Bahamut
  • Sword of Bahamut
  • Lawkeeper
  • Solemn brother/sister
  • Acolyte of Laws

Tenets of Faith

The tenets of Bahamut's doctrine revolve around principles of justice, nobility, protection, and honor. He instructs his adherents to consistently uphold the loftiest standards of honor and justice, remaining ever vigilant against malevolence and confronting it from every angle. Furthermore, they are tasked with safeguarding the vulnerable, emancipating the oppressed, and preserving righteous order. Bahamut champions a concept of "greater justice", which encompasses combatting evil and dismantling tyrannical structures. Additionally, he takes pleasure in rewarding resolute determination and exemplary character among his devotees.   The Dogma of Bahamut
  • Stand as a paragon of honor and justice.
  • Shield the vulnerable, liberate the oppressed, and uphold the principles of justice and harmony.
  • Smite evil wherever it is found, yet show compassion to those who have strayed from righteousness.
  • Treasure the sanctity of life above all else.
  • Pride is necessary for any creature to be magnanimous; individuals must first set and surpass their own standards before holding others to account.
  The Judges of Bahamut, excercise a code that all swear to uphold:
The Code of High Justice
  • Reveal the truth, punish the guilty, right the wrong, and always be true and just in your actions.
  • Uphold the law wherever you go and punish those who do wrong under the law.
  • Maintain meticulous records of your judgments, actions, and choices to learn from mistakes, enhance understanding of diverse legal systems, and identify lawbreakers.
  • Be vigilant in your observations and anticipations so you may detect those who plan injustices before their actions threaten law and order.
  • Administer retribution to wrongdoers on behalf of those unable to seek justice for themselves.
    His dragon adepts followed the Ptarian Code, a draconic code of honor created by the gold dragon Ptaris in the ancient past. Originally intended as a code of conduct for the lords who attended the King of Justice, the Ptarian Code eventually was adopted by many gold and silver dragons.
Expand the Ptarian Code
The Ptarian Code is similar to the codes of chivalry adopted by knightly orders of humanity. It includes paying homage to Lendys, as well to the draconic deities Bahamut and Tamara. The major precepts are:   Justice and Good above all.
Honor and Fealty to the King.
Honor and Respect to Righteous Innocence.
Honor and Duty to the Balancer (Lendys), to Her Mercy (Tamara), and to the Justicemaker (Bahamut).
Honor and Protection to the Lesser Races.
Honor and Correction to the Enemies of Justice and Good.
Honor and Forbearance for oneself.


Feast of Fellowship
The sole sacred occasion observed by followers of Bahamut is the Feast of Fellowship; Taking place on the evening following the spring equinox, this festival serves as a time for dragons and mortals to put aside their differences. Throughout the festivities, clergy members from the region soar through the night sky on dragonback, engaging in a mesmerizing aerial display. Following this spectacle, the dragons transform into humanoid shapes, joining the clergy and esteemed individuals for a communal feast. Remarkably, even benevolent dragons incapable of assuming humanoid form under normal circumstances are granted this ability as a gift from Bahamut. Additionally, each temple commemorates its founding with a celebratory event, often marked by a public procession and the presentation of a valuable offering from each clergy member to the temple.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Bahamut's natural form embodied a colossal dragon spanning around 360 feet (110 meters) in length, with a tail matching the proportions of his body. His exterior boasted platinum scales, reputedly more resilient than any shield and possessing a faint blue luminescence. The hue of his piercing blue eyes varied, perhaps reflecting Bahamut's emotions, making it challenging to ascertain their precise shade. At times, he was depicted as a massive dragon enveloped in a dazzling aura of light so radiant that discerning his color proved impossible.   Alternative descriptions depict Bahamut in his natural state as a lengthy, serpentine dragon adorned in silver-white scales that shimmer and shine even amidst darkness. Some describe Bahamut's eyes as feline and deeply blue, reminiscent of a midsummer sky's azure hue. Contrarily, others argue that Bahamut's gaze bears a frosty indigo akin to the core of a glacier. It is speculated that these differing portrayals may simply mirror the Platinum Dragon's fluctuating temperament.
When he desired to traverse the mortal realm, he often assumed the guise of an elderly human or demihuman wizard garbed in humble attire, accompanied by seven canaries or other melodious songbirds. This persona became renowned among mortals as Fizban the Fabulous. Certain scholars speculated that Bahamut adopted this humanoid form to avoid alarming non-dragon entities. It was also believed that while Bahamut favored this guise, he assumed various other forms as well. Among these recorded guises were a prince traveling in a carriage pulled by seven horses, a street urchin accompanied by seven companions, a beggar trailed by seven dogs, a modest fisherman, or a youthful monk bearing the title "Grandmaster of Flowers".

Special abilities

Bahamut shuns combat, preferring to engage his adversaries in dialogue and persuading them to surrender through his renowned diplomatic prowess. Fluent in numerous languages he possesses the innate ability to communicate telepathically with any intelligent creature.   Despite his reluctance to engage in battle, Bahamut is fully capable of defending himself. In addition to possessing the standard powers and divine senses befitting a deity of his stature, along with the innate abilities of an ancient dragon, witnesses of his combat prowess attest to his possession of two breath weapons: a potent cone of cold and a vapor capable of transmuting foes into gaseous forms. Another formidable attack in his arsenal is his deafening roar, which can disintegrate creatures or objects within a radius of 200 feet (60 meters). Even against more formidable adversaries, this roar can permanently deafen those who survive its effects. Additionally, Bahamut can breathe the holy winds of Mount Celestia, allowing him to heal allies and even resurrect fallen comrades. Renowned for his unmatched power among mortal dragons, he is said to possess knowledge of every arcane and divine spell, rendering him nearly invulnerable to harm in the mortal realm.   Furthermore, Bahamut possessed the capability to perceive invisible entities and objects, along with the ability to breathe underwater indefinitely. Similarly, he retained the freedom to utilize his breath weapons or cast spells even when submerged.  

Other Aspects

  Bahamut possesses the ability to generate manifestations of himself through the willing sacrifice of a formidable metallic dragon devotee. Although the dragon perishes during the ritual, the resultant Aspect retains memories of its former existence and becomes wholly bound to Bahamut's will for eternity. Unlike typical divine avatars associated with other deities, Bahamut's Aspects are autonomous entities rather than mere extensions of Bahamut himself. While they lack the potency of Bahamut's regular avatars, they still hold considerable power.   Bahamut is reluctant to create Aspects in this manner, as he prefers his dragon devotees to maintain their dragon form rather than sacrificing themselves. However, on occasion, he may call upon a devoted dragon worshiper to become an Aspect for specific purposes, such as serving as an envoy, acting as a long-term protector, or confronting adversaries too formidable for mortal followers to challenge. Additionally, Bahamut may be inclined to create Aspects as a reward for significant sacrifices made by his worshipers, such as offering their own lives or valuable treasures.   At times, spontaneous manifestations of Bahamut's essence emerged spontaneously on Celestia or in closely affiliated planes. Unlike Bahamut's typical manifestations, these spontaneous manifestations were fleeting, transient reflections of Bahamut's divine intent. Typically, they dissipated and vanished completely within a single day. These manifestations often responded to the magical calls of Bahamut's devotees.   According to certain scholars, Bahamut's incarnations embodied traits from various metallic dragon breeds, standing tall enough to overshadow even the mightiest ancient dragons of mortal realms. These manifestations displayed unyielding courage and remarkable intelligence in combat, exhibiting a disregard for their own survival that rendered them far deadlier than mortal dragons. Their calculated fury and martial prowess made them formidable adversaries. Typically, they engaged in battle relentlessly, unless preserving their existence outweighed any strategic advantage gained from the fight. Despite their martial nature, they were more inclined to engage in dialogue and diplomatic negotiation with mortals than other divine manifestations, although they maintained a position of superiority as representatives of the Platinum Dragon.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bahamut is the brother to Tiamat and Falazure and son of Io, emerged during the Era of the Great Rift when the dragon deity Io birthed the dragons to aid in the battle against the Primordials. Following the Great Rift wars, Bahamut and Tiamat each created their respective offspring: the Metallic Dragons and the Chromatic Dragons. Legend has it that Io initially created Tiamat and Bahamut as a singular essence before they were divided. Together, they faced countless perils in battles against the Primordials and later against the Giant Pantheon. However, during the waning days of the Dragons Era, Tiamat, desiring control over the Draconic Pantheon, seized an opportunity and slew Io in battle against a Primordial who had escaped the void. In response, Bahamut, accompanied by many of his children, confronted Tiamat, but due to his nature, he could not bring himself to destroy his sister. Instead, he initiated the Dragon wars, which continue to this day.   By the Dawn of Mortal Races, the conflicts between Bahamut and Tiamat had inflicted significant damage upon the Draconic Pantheon. However, as the Era of the Draconians dawned, Bahamut found himself despised by mortal races due to his interventions, particularly in the creation of the Dragonborn. Tiamat, unable to remain aloof, influenced the creation of the Dragonborn, sowing corruption and extinguishing hope within them, to the detriment of Bahamut's cause.   Tiamat engineered the dragonspawn as a counterforce to the followers of Ux Bahamuti. Unexpectedly, they overcame and seized control of the Dragonborn Empire Anska, igniting a relentless campaign of world domination, invasion, and plunder.   It was not until the Era of Decline that Bahamut reclaimed ascendancy, rallying the Nahrso to his cause. With their allegiance and the support of the metallic dragons, Bahamut gradually regained power over the course of millennia.   In the 10th Century AB, the Dragonborns, Grand Empire of Arkolion, accepted their true origins as decendants of the Ux Bahamuti and began to worship Bahamut again.

Personality Characteristics


Bahamut is stern and very disapproving of evil, he always argued with Io about his crusade against it. He accepts no excuses for evil acts, and doesn't tolerate even minor offenses by evil creatures.   Despite his resolute stance, he is widely regarded as one of the most compassionate entities in the cosmos. His compassion knows no bounds for the oppressed, the marginalized, and the defenseless. Rather than resorting to lethal measures, he often opts to transform those who have wronged him, although it is said that Bahamut abhors staining himself with the blood of malevolent beings.   By draconic criteria, Bahamut lacks vanity and the desire for riches. Instead, he esteems wisdom, knowledge, prophecies, and melodies. He employs the vast wealth he has accrued over eons to aid those in need, while utilizing the magical artifacts he acquires to advance his objectives. Nevertheless, he vehemently pursues (typically through his champions and devotees) those who attempt to pilfer treasures from his abode, for he is, above all, a deity of justice.   Bahamut also enjoys testing the strength and valor of his followers by engaging them in combat in his dragon form, pausing the confrontation when they sustain injuries or when they prove themselves worthy. However, he must guard against excessive fervor and ensures that potent healers are present to tend to any serious injuries inflicted during these trials.   Though his court predominantly consists of gold dragons, Bahamut finds joy in the company of all benevolent dragons, reveling in their unique traits and diverse personalities.


Contacts & Relations

Bahamut is the consort of Tamara, the lady of mercy who suggests justice differently than the Platinum God.   He is also considered the leader of the Good-Aligned Draconic Pantheon and is considered by sages to be the leader of all good aligned deities.
The Platinum Dragon;
King of Good Dragons;;
Master of the North Winds;
God of Metallic Dragons;
Grandfather of Dragons;
Draco Paladin;
Angel of the Seven Heavens;
Grand Master of Flowers;
The Justice Bringer;
The Valiant;
God of Justice;
The Lord of Justice;
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Related Myths
Ruled Locations
The Andorian Aspect, Rhaan and Themis the Urservnis Aspect of Justice
Home Plane
Mount Celestia
Subservient Deities
Aelis of Waleapia, Heimdall, Hlal, Lendys, She'eros
Justice, Honor, Good Dragons, Hope, Wisdom, Angels
Light, Redemption, Wind, Heroics
Air, Glory (Heroism, Honor, Legend), Good (Angel, Archon, Friendship, Redemption), Law (Angel, Archon, Inevitable, Judgement, Legislation, Loyalty), Luck (Fate), Magic (Divine), Nobility, Protection, Scalykind (Dragon), War
Silver dragon's head in profile
Good dragons, anyone seeking protection from evil dragons, Judges, Knights, Arasilians, Lawyers, Magistrates, the oppressed, Police, Paladins
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
"Justicar" (Bastard Sword) and the Heavy Pick (Bite)
Holy Days
Feast of Fellowship

Worshipper Relations

The highly organized church of Bahamut is strong in the more civilized lands. They are known for never refusing service or aid to the faithful when they are in distress. Followers of Bahamut are expected to show fairness, wisdom, and kindness to the innocent. True believers never enforce an unjust law.  


There are several orders of Bahamut, many courts and justice systems dedicated to him; But the largest organization is the knightly order of Arasil, Order of Platinum Lion, the chief order and the most prestigious order in theras, composing of high level paladins, clerics, fighters and some might state other high level personas and creatures.


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