Thermolithic Converter Technology / Science in Theras | World Anvil

Thermolithic Converter

A Thermolithic Converter, commonly referred to as a Thermolither, is any of various kinds of underground devices that convert magma into energy or matter. There are two primary types of thermolithic converters - a Flowing Converter and a Passive Converter; the former is primarily utilized by Duergar, while the latter's usage is more widespread.



Light, heat.


Such as in Khazad-Ram, where the subterrenean landscape was greatly shaped in a literal sense by a series of thermolithic converters.

Elemental Transition

Such as in the Deep Kingdom of Torkia, where magma is converted into Petrosear.


Elementologism, specifically in the field of Complementation Theory and Muelements.  

Construction and Design

While they differ greatly from one another, all thermolithic converters are complex machines infused with runic magic. Though their construction is not kept as a secret, their intricate design and delicate specifications ensure that in practice their construction requires a team of dwarven experts in their own respective fields. Excluding some untested hypothetical designs, thermolithers have to be built at great depths; there are no operational thermolithers closer than 1 km (0.6 miles) to the surface.   There are, however, some instances where thermolithers were opened by other humanoid species, either as a reverse-engineering attempt or out of curiosity. In such cases, the layout of the processor were sketched and documented, though the function of most runes couldn't be discerned:
Flowing Thermolither
A sketch of a flowing thermolither used in the Deep Kingdom of Torkia, captured by Nakilnuli agents in the late 9th century AB.

Passive Thermolither
A sketch of an outdated passive thermolither used in Khazad Ram during the 6th century AB, discarded and inspected by scholars in Abaisgar.
Related Species


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