Duergar Species in Theras | World Anvil


Duergar, or gray dwarves, live deep underground, well below the Deep Dwarves in the times before they became sea dwarves. They rarely venture above ground, finding it painful, except during heavily overcast days or at night. The light does not cause them damage, but it does affect their ability to see clearly.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Emaciated, they possess pasty skins and white or dull gray beards. Men and women may be bald, and those who are not usually shave their heads.

Civilization and Culture


The Duergars were not native to the world of Theras. Their history is intertwined with the fate of the gith, forging alliances that shaped the destiny of both races.  

Theories of Origin

Not much is known for their origins except that they showed some when between 7,300 BB to 7,250 BB, however, few theories exist:  
Divine Transformation
According to this theory, Laduguer proposed the heresy of accepting the Gith into the Morndinsamman, the dwarven pantheon. This was seen as a radical departure from traditional dwarven beliefs, which generally held humans in low regard. Laduguer's proposition sparked outrage and dissent among the dwarven patheon, who viewed it as a betrayal of their heritage and values. In response to Laduguer's heresy, Moradin, the chief deity of the Morndinsamman, took a decisive and unexpected course of action. Rather than casting aside the Gith as heretics, Moradin, in a display of divine benevolence, decided to grant them the gift of conversion to the dwarven faith. This divine intervention aimed to bring justice and enlightenment to the Gith, transforming them into what was perceived as the perfect form: Dwarves.   This theory is most prominent within the pantheon and clergy of the Morndinsamman, except Laduguer and Deep Duerra.   Supporting this thoery, there are many documents in Sophia-Hold, of Githyanki's origins that do explore the possibility of a third clan, during the split of the Gith. According to those records, The Githyanki enslaved many Dwarves after their short 'alliance', where they rebelled against them. However this theory constitutes another theory for which the Duergars show quite a favor.   One hole in this theory, is the voyage of the Duerger to the Prime Material World, who made it their home, unlike the gith. The Most prominent answer, is that the Duergars used their technology and Deep Duera had shown them the way to the unclaimed underdark inside an abandoned Ilithid city (or perhaps conquered it). Some say that this theory intertwines with the Azaraks' Bane Theory.  
The Duerger Rebellion
Like the Gith, the Duergars, claim that like the Humans, who are easily experimented upon, the dwarves were also experimented by the Ilithids and since no Dwarves ever came to aid them, they had to fight with the ilithids themselves, eventually allying themselves with the Gith, allowing the Gith to overcome the Illathids themselves.   This theory emphasizes how the Duerger fought the ilithids, even venturing to the astral, until losing the war and becoming enslaved with the Gith. However, according to this version, Laduguer, took pity on the free spirits of the Duerger and saved them from the slavery, learning to live in the underdark after millenias of resentment after. The Journey to the Prime Material Plane, was harsh and was enabled during The Third Azaraki Peace Wars, where the Duerger came in force and helped the Sorynian forces and eventually fended the azarspawns and turned the tide.  
Natural Evolution
In Epeoris, up until 1,051 AB, it was believed that the Duerger were a simple sub-race of dwarves that were naturally 'evolving' from Mountain Dwarves that delved too deep and became accustomed to the horrors of the underdark. This Theory was refuted after the discovery of the new continents and the meticulous records of Sophia-Hold.  
The Azararks' Bane
Unlike the previous Theories, This theory discuss the possibility that the Duerger are actually a failed experiment of the Azarspawns. The Duerger, with their powerful abilities managed to break free of the hold of the Azarspawns, which explains their powerful dark magic, hatred for surface dwellers and how they became widespread just like the dwarves.   It is told that Laduguer saved the Duerger slaves and led their rebellion, however this doesn’t count for the appearance of Duerger in the Annals of Gith inside Sophia-Hold, which led many scholars to believe that the first theory is true, with the emergence of the Duerger's in the Prime Material World, was due to their war (or perhaps alliance that was broken) in the Azaraki War, forever setting their place in history.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

All of the above theories explain the deep hatred of the Duerger and Dwarves in addition to fighting over territory or perhaps religious zealotry and their place in the Morndinsamman and as such, other dwarves find their ways repulsive. Duergar war on other dwarf races, and sometimes even join forces with orcs and other evil races to raid dwarf strongholds.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
4 ft.
Average Weight
120 lb.
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