Vandi Character in Theras | World Anvil


Vandi serves as the meticulous steward of the Lord of the Dead, meticulously documenting the fate of departed spirits. His demeanor is consistently bland and formal, never displaying anger, his voice resonating with a chilling, disembodied tone akin to the whisper of an abandoned crypt. The Lord of the End of Everything seeks only the orderly recording of the world's descent into death.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The secretive church of Vandi functions under the guise of a closely knit group named the Scriveners of Fate, resembling a monastic order of scribes. Housed within desolate stone mausoleums and ancient crypts, its members meticulously record extensive archives documenting the circumstances surrounding individuals' deaths and their posthumous destinations.  
Clerics devoted to Vandi invoke their spells as twilight descends, symbolizing the onset of life's final chapter.

Tenets of Faith

Each entity is destined for a timeless repose, predetermined at the dawn of existence. Life unfolds as a quest toward that destination, a journey toward eternal tranquility. Within the vast expanse of eternity, life is but a fleeting deviation. Power, triumph, and happiness are fleeting as are weakness, defeat, and sorrow. Only death remains immutable, arriving at its appointed time. Strive to impose order upon life's tumult, for in death lies ultimate resolution and immutable states. Embrace the inevitability of death, unwavering and impartial. Prolong life only when it aligns with the grander design of the world's demise.


On the final eve of the year, Vandi's clergy pause their ceaseless labor for a single night. This sacred evening, known as the Night of Another Year, sees the clerics meticulously recite the names of every departed soul recorded within their scrolls, meticulously inscribed throughout the passing year. With a solemn cry of "One Year Closer"! echoing through their sanctum, the scrolls are reverently filed away, marking the close of the ritual. The sole mandated rite for Vandi's clerics, known as the Scaling, follows. Following the comprehensive documentation of each being's passing, method of demise, and destination beyond the veil, the Scriveners of Doom sprinkle a fine layer of ash and powdered bone over their script, symbolizing the inexorable march towards the world's end. Some among them seek the church's sanctioned undeath to perpetuate their archival endeavors beyond mortal bounds. Some among them seek the church's sanctioned Undeath to perpetuate their archival endeavors beyond mortal bounds.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vandi is an ancient deity, older than many of the greater gods of Theras. In the time of Menedynn Empire, he was a greater deity himself, well before Baravor who replaced him.

Personality Characteristics


Vandi embodies an austere and detached demeanor, devoid of emotion and steeped in formality. Never succumbing to anger, his speech resonates with a dispassionate and monotone cadence. In ethos, he exudes a chilling indifference, surpassing even his Mistress, endorsing the utilization and generation of undead entities by his adherents, provided their actions contribute to the propagation of death throughout the world. Though not inherently malevolent or malicious, Vandi functions as an impartial recorder of all life's demises.
The Ender of Existence;
Chronciler of Finality;
Master of Mortality;
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Fatalism, Proper Burial, Guardian of Tombs, Death
Knowledge (Aeon, Memory), Law (Inevitable, Judgement), Repose, Runes
a boned hand holding a quill
Monks, Necromancers, Paladins
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
A white glove (scythe)
Holy Days


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