Wahhabiyya Tradition / Ritual in Theras | World Anvil


The Wahhabiyya is a faction of traditionalists favor a more conservative approach inside the Arqmati Pantheon. They believe Arqmat's message demands isolation and hostility toward outsiders. They are also referred to as Traditionalist Covenant.   The Wahhabiyya hold a more literal interpretation of Arqmat's words. They view his teachings as divinely ordained and immutable. They believe the desert environment is a test of faith and reject modernization, fearing it will corrupt Buqmatians society. They see foreign cultures as a threat, potentially leading to heresy and the erosion of Buqmatians identity; They value the preservation of cultural heritage and are wary of external influences diluting their traditions. This faction believes in strict adherence to the ancient customs, viewing them as the backbone of societal integrity and moral order. They are skeptical of modernization efforts and often oppose governmental policies that aim to open up the market to foreign traders or liberalize the conservative social norms. They advocate for policies that reinforce traditional roles, protect local industries, and maintain the spiritual sanctity of Buqmat.
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